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We Are Not Afraid To War: RA President

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  • We Are Not Afraid To War: RA President

    March 11 2010

    RA President Serzh Sargsyan granted an interview to French Le Figaro
    in the frames of his visit to France. posts the full text.

    Q.: Why Armenia-Turkey reconciliation process reached a stalemate?

    A.: We have a complex history of relations. Within last 95 years Turkey
    negates the fact of Genocide committed by Ottoman Empire in 1915. When
    I invited Turkish President to Yerevan for a football match between
    the national teams, my point was to establish relations between our
    states without preconditions. During the Protocols' signing in October,
    2009 on relations' normalization it was decided to ratify them within a
    reasonable period and without preconditions. We declared that Armenia
    will ratify the Protocols once Turkish Parliament does so. However,
    Turkey keeps on setting forth preconditions to ratify them having
    the major term Karabakh conflict.

    Q.: What can Armenia do to assist the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

    A.: We will do our utmost. Azerbaijan seeks to give an impression that
    Armenia and Karabakh are not interested in resolution, which is not
    the case. We have to end the blockade, which is an obstruction. This
    is not the case with Azerbaijan: it relies on natural resources and
    petrodollars to buy arms and settle the issue by force. They don't
    conceal their intentions.

    Q.: Are you afraid of war?

    A.: War is unwelcome in any case, but we are not afraid to war, if
    there is no alternative. Nonetheless, we our stance is the following -
    conflict should be settled peacefully based on mutual compromise.

    Q.: How can blockade with Turkey be removed?

    A.: The problems should be solved with Turks. It in unacceptable to
    have closed borders in 21st century and preconditions laid down.

    Primarily, relations should be established, then to dialogue over
    other issues. Both Turkey and Armenian strive to enhance relations
    with Europe and be in one European community value system. This expels
    any military operations. World community should speak up on the matter.

    Q.: Do you doubt about possibility of reconciliation with Turkey?

    A.: Many do. And not in Armenia alone. My initiative on relations'
    normalization entailed numerous debates of Armenians around the globe.

    And with protraction of the process supporters thin out.

    Q.: Do you still believe in normalization?

    A.: I have a great aspiration to establish normal relations, but the
    recent statements by Turkey made me believe that it will not ratify
    the Protocols in the near future. We have warned that if Turkey trades
    reconciliation process on other purposes, we will take adequate steps.

    In this case we will withdraw our signature from the Protocols.

    Q.: U.S. Administration declared of its intention to block the Armenian
    Genocide resolution in the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
    adopted by the Committee. Can you comment on this?

    A.: Certainly, we sincerely wish to have both U.S. Congress, Turkey and
    other states to recognize Armenian Genocide. But the U.S. Congress and
    State Department making decisions will hardly take into consideration
    our opinion or wishes.