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ANKARA: Reassessing The Genocide Resolution

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  • ANKARA: Reassessing The Genocide Resolution

    Alon Ben Meir

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    March 11 2010

    Once again, as has happened every spring for years running, the debate
    over whether the ethnic clashes against the Armenians in the break
    up of the Ottoman Empire amounted to genocide has made it into the
    US political arena for Congress to weigh in. The recent resolution
    adopted by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs-to officially
    recognize actions against the Armenians in 1915 as genocide committed
    by the Ottoman Turks-has less to do with the US government's pursuit
    of historical accuracy, than political theater that has come at a
    strikingly inopportune time.

    Genocide is a serious label, and requires not only moral authority from
    those who use it but a deep comprehension of the historical context
    in which these events occurred. Armenians have every right to demand
    official inquiries about the terms and conditions in which hundreds of
    thousands of their ancestors were killed, but this is not the task of
    US Congress, who has neither the moral standing to codify armed clashes
    of a century ago without proper inquiry nor the right to be selective
    about human rights offenses for political points. Every effort should
    be made by President Obama and the remaining House Representatives
    to prevent the resolution from reaching the House floor.

    Beyond the very serious damage that such a resolution could inflict
    on US-Turkish relations, should it pass the full House, congressional
    interference at this juncture could severely erode the very moral
    argument used justify the resolution. Turkey and Armenia have only
    recently concluded two protocols calling for closer ties, open borders,
    and most importantly, the creation of a commission to examine the
    historical evidence of the tragic events. Not only will this vote
    undermine the reconciliation process between Turkey and Armenia, but it
    threatens the US-Turkish relationship at a time when Turkey is playing
    a critical role aiding the US and the Middle East peace process.

    Sadly, this resolution was politicized at the outset, thereby
    diminishing much of its moral tenet. Had the purpose been for the US to
    champion human rights and officially condemn any large scale atrocities
    in times of war, then why was there no debate about massacres in Sudan,
    Rwanda, Algeria or the Balkans? The fact that it was supported by a
    powerful lobby and sponsored by many members of Congress, including
    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Committee Chairman Howard Berman from
    California, and Donald Payne and Albio Sires from New Jersey, each of
    whom represent relatively large Armenian constituencies, takes this
    debate out of the moral realm and into the political one. Beyond this
    matter, Howard Berman and the Foreign Relations Committee failed to
    address the pressing issues behind what such a resolution would invite
    forth, mainly the land disputes between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the
    issue of reparations for descendants of the victims, none of which can
    be treated in isolation. However large the political benefit these
    members of Congress may garner this election year by pushing this
    resolution, it is not in US interests, as the end result will hurt
    the Turkish-Armenian reconciliation process and severely undercut
    Turkish-US cooperation should it come to fruition. Such a serious
    resolution requires the application of the highest moral review and
    investigation, not a politically convenient act which is considered
    an insult to Turkish identity. If genocide was in fact committed,
    it should be left to an international investigative tribunal, not
    politicians who need to be reelected every two years.

    Turkey has been a loyal friend of the United States for more than
    a half century, and continues to support American efforts in Iraq,
    Afghanistan and the Arab-Israeli peace process. It is a modern
    secular democracy, and has made great strides in remaining open
    and progressive. Why then should the United States Congress hold
    the descendants of the Ottomans responsible for the deeds of their
    fathers perpetrated a century ago? Since Turkey vehemently rejects the
    term genocide, what judgment should then be passed, and by whom, that
    will not tarnish the present generation of Turks? This generation had
    nothing to do with past events and, in fact, condemns the atrocities
    committed during that heinous war, regardless of who the perpetrators
    were. What then gives the United States' House of Representatives
    the moral authority to pass judgment, when domestic political
    interest shamelessly dominates their motives? The argument against
    the resolution by the full House should be based on moral grounds,
    and the members must not act as judges and jurors when Turkey and
    Armenia have agreed to establish their own joint committee to unravel
    what in fact happened.

    At a time when America still suffers from a lagging global image after
    years of hawkish foreign policy and two ongoing wars, the United
    States Congress must support what Turkey and Armenia have agreed
    to do to resolve their conflict and help facilitate a resolution to
    the Nagorno-Karabakh territorial dispute. Even the Jewish lobby, in
    the wake of a series of diplomatic rifts between Turkey and Israel,
    acted quietly in favor of the Turks, resulting in a close margin in
    the vote. As much as Prime Minister Erdogan's recent statements have
    not fared well with the Israeli public, the Israeli diaspora is keen
    on maintaining the strategic nature of its relationship with Turkey
    as well as Turkey's relationship with the West.

    But more importantly, the Turkish government who acted out fervently
    against the US government following the resolution must come to grips
    with the separation of power in the United States. Both President
    Obama and Secretary Clinton have come out strongly against the
    resolution-albeit last minute-yet they cannot control the votes or the
    agenda of Congress. Under no circumstance should Prime Minister Erdogan
    cancel his upcoming visit to the US, as he should use this opportunity
    to present his case and prove that Turkey is capable of handling the
    disputes with Armenia without US congressional intervention.

    It is by no means certain that this misguided resolution taken by
    Pelosi and Berman will pass in the full House should it come to a
    vote. Furthermore, it is unlikely these sponsors will even bring the
    resolution to the floor unless they are certain it has a substantial
    chance to pass. This represents a keen opportunity for Democrats
    and Republicans alike to find a common area of interest and work in
    unison for the best interests of the US, Turkey, and the future of
    Turkish-Armenian relations.