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Impugning Turkey for Kurdish genocide

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  • Impugning Turkey for Kurdish genocide

    Kurdish Aspect
    March 13 2010

    Impugning Turkey for Kurdish genocide - By Baqi Barzani

    One of the most common traits of every individual genocide is it is
    consistently negated by its perpetrators. This is mainly rampant in
    societies that do not possess democratic system of power. A very lucid
    instance is the republic of Turkey, obstinately resisting to
    acknowledging the Armenian Genocide of 1915, despite the US House
    Foreign Affairs Committee lately passing a resolution labeling it as"

    >From Nazi holocaust to Rwanda, Armenian, Bosnia and Darfur, all
    genocides have left profoundly throbbing socio-economic, political and
    psychological impacts on their victims and ensuing generations.
    According to figures, genocides and other mass murders account for
    more human casualties in the twentieth century than all the wars

    The renowned genocide of "Halabja "is regarded as one of the most
    unrivaled genocide in the history of genocides and mankind because of
    the maximum number of fatalities inflicted in the least period of time
    and the method the genocide was carried out. Even today, the
    residents of Halabja and their family members continue to undergo
    emotional trauma and post occurrence complications.

    What is the definition of Genocide and how is it categorized? Does the
    ongoing repression and containment taking place in Turkey against the
    Kurd fall under the universal definition of genocide? What disparity
    is there between the Armenia Genocide of 1915 as compared to the
    present Kurdish Genocide in Turkey ? What preventive measures should
    be taken in order to cease the perpetration of Genocides overall and
    what is the role and responsibility of global community in this
    regard? Why the Kurdish plight does not obtain sufficient attention
    from the international community?

    Let me begin responding to those queries by first referring to the
    implication of the term genocide briefly. The UN general Assembly
    characterizes genocide as: "the deliberate and systematic
    destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or
    national group". Ethnic cleansing has been defined as "the elimination
    of an unwanted group from society, as by genocide or forced
    migration." It is also worth to allude to a U.S. State Department
    recent report on Kosovo concluding: �ethnic cleansing generally
    entails the systematic and forced removal of members of an ethnic
    group from their communities to change the ethnic composition of a
    region." In consistent with all cited definitions, the continuing
    forceful resettlements, assimilations and annihilations of Kurds by
    Turkey fit in this category.

    As for the lack of sympathy for Kurdish cause in Turkey compared to
    the Armenian Genocide, the whole Kurdish genocidal killing is gradual,
    unremitting and complex to unravel. Since the foundation of outmoded
    Turkey by Atta Turk, Turkish successive fascist militaristic regimes
    have been ruthlessly trying to destroy Kurds and Kurdistan , having
    recourse to every viable excessive modus operandi. In effect, the
    planned and systematic efforts by xenophobic Turkey to wipe out
    Kurdish national identity, cultural heritage and ethnic roots outstrip
    the scope of hideous Armenian Genocide. Therefore, it is not
    exaggeration to assert that Turkey should also be charged with even
    greater, worst abhorrent crimes against the Kurds by the international

    The looming of a coherent strategy to hamper future genocides from
    occurring is not just an ethical imperative; it represents the
    confluence of many of the most focal issues on many nations' foreign
    policy agendas, and should accordingly be made a top tier priority.
    States have a responsibility to protect their own population from mass
    violence and if they fail to fulfill their responsibilities, it is the
    burden of the global community to dynamically participate in
    alleviating the suffering of people, including resorting to the use of

    Art present, the world has zoomed in its focus on the Armenia Genocide
    committed by Ottoman Turks. Being impugned by EU, US, UK, sooner or
    later, Turkey bears no alternative but to admit its guilt and need to
    take the de rigueur measures to rectify that horrible historical
    tragedy. Expectantly, The UN should remind Turkey of its mounting,
    grave human rights violations, discriminatory and biased treatment of
    other non-Muslim groups, forceful relocations and assimilations of
    non-Turkish groups and greater rights and autonomy for the 25 million
    victimized Kurds in that country. .html