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Turkey Recalls Envoy To Sweden

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  • Turkey Recalls Envoy To Sweden

    AHN | All Headline News -
    March 13 2010

    Turkey Recalls Envoy To Sweden

    Linda Young - AHN Editor

    Ankara, Turkey (AHN) - Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Sweden
    after the Swedish parliament narrowly passed a resolution calling the
    killing of Armenians by Turkish forces during World War I genocide.

    The resolution passed by only a single vote. The ballot was 131-130
    with 88 parliamentarians abstaining from the vote.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the vote and
    said he was recalling the nation's ambassador to Sweden, Zergun
    Koruturkaction, for consultations. Erdogan also cancelled a planned
    visit to Sweden scheduled for April.

    Erdogan said the resolution was not in keeping with the close
    relationship between the two nations and that it would have a
    "drastic" affect on relations between the two nations.

    Sweden's resolution comes only a week after the United States Congress
    passed a similar resolution.

    Although Turkey accepts the historical fact that many Christian
    Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks during WW I in 1915, it does
    not think that 1.5 million people died and it rejects calling the
    killings genocide. /7018093018