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Turkish govm't a vocal critic of Israeli genocide on people of Gaza

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  • Turkish govm't a vocal critic of Israeli genocide on people of Gaza

    Hamsayeh.Net - Iran
    March 13 2010

    The Turkish government has been a vocal critic of the Israeli genocide
    on the people of Gaza in 2008.

    March 13, 2010 (Hamsayeh.Net) - The Turkish government once again
    recalled its ambassador from a country that voted in favour of
    labelling the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during the
    First World War as genocide.

    This time it was the Swedish parliament that voted in favour of the
    resolution following a similar move by Washington last week. Ankara
    never accepts the mass killings of Armenians as genocide. It says such
    a historical event did take place but not as many as some people claim
    to be one and half million who lost their lives.

    Last week Ankara recalled its ambassador from Washington for
    consultations and a similar action against Sweden this week shows that
    Turkey is very much upset with those decisions. `We strongly condemn
    this resolution, which is made for political calculations; it does not
    correspond to the close friendship of our two nations.

    We are recalling our ambassador for consultations,' Turkish Prime
    Minister Tayyip Erdogan said in a statement, referring to the Swedish
    parliament vote as reported by Reuters. Turkey also cancelled a March
    17 joint Turkey-Sweden meeting as sign of protest against the Swedish
    parliament decision. The West has recent months tried to pressure
    Turkey over the neighbouring Armenia.

    The Turkish government has been a vocal critic of the Israeli genocide
    on the people of Gaza in 2008. The Turkish Prime Minister, Erdogan
    holding a press conference with the Israeli official Shimon Peres
    blamed the Israeli armed forces for committing genocide against
    Palestinians and dashed out of the conference in anger. nternational%20news1018.htm