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Gregorian brothers follow in military dad's footsteps

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  • Gregorian brothers follow in military dad's footsteps

    Chelmsford Independent
    March 13 2010

    Gregorian brothers follow in military dad's footsteps

    GateHouse News Service
    Posted Mar 12, 2010 @ 07:07 AM

    Chelmsford ' For Felix Gregorian, nothing could be prouder than having
    two sons attending the most prestigious military academies in the

    Not even two service tours overseas with the United States Army in
    Iraq and Afghanistan where he was immersed into a hotbed of hostility.

    Say what you want about sibling rivalries but when Dro got accepted
    into the Naval Academy at Annapolis, his brother Greg wasn't to be
    denied. On came his acceptance three years later to the Military
    Academy at West Point.

    Add it up and it represents nearly $400,000 in full scholarship
    grants, not to mention the endorsements each received from their
    Congressmen and support from the general community as well.

    And should they be deployed like their dad, it goes with the
    territory. Both boys are disciplined in the highest military order and
    put their country before themselves.

    Come May 29, Dro will graduate from Annapolis. He will take a leave
    of absence throughout June, then return to the Naval Institute to
    finish Introductory Flight Screening during July and August. Once
    trained, he will report to a squadron and complete a three-year tour.

    The deployment schedule typically includes a six-month stint
    overseas, followed by another six months in the United States before
    awaiting further orders. He credits his dad with guiding him in the
    right direction.

    `After researching and applying to different schools, I decided the
    Naval Academy had the most to offer in terms of majors, sports,
    extra-curricular activities and service assignments,' said Dro. `My
    father taught me it was an honor and privilege to serve. The branch
    didn't matter.'

    At Chelmsford High School, he played varsity soccer and ran track.
    Dro was a member of the North Andover AYF and served as chapter
    president. He remained active with St. Gregory Church where he was
    ordained as an acolyte and stole bearer.

    At graduation, Dro had been offered full ROTC scholarships from the
    Navy, Army and Air Force. His nomination to Annapolis came from U.S.
    Congressman Martin T. Meehan.

    A typical day starts at 6:30 a.m. with formation, then a full class
    load. Afternoons consist of intramural sports and conditioning while
    evenings are devoted to study time until 11 p.m. His major is
    mechanical engineering

    His freshman year, Dro went out for lightweight crew before joining
    the high-power rifle team. As a first sergeant his sophomore year, his
    role leaned toward the care and welfare of underclassmen in terms of
    professionalism, military appearance, fitness and high academic

    He later became company executive officer, taking command of 150
    midshipmen, followed by a battalion administrative officer this
    semester in charge of five company officers.

    The fact his brother chose West Point and Army sent the boys off
    toward opposite extremes, causing somewhat of a dilemma when the two
    schools clash during their traditional football rivalry.

    When Felix attended the game last fall with his wife Candace, the
    parents divided their time on each side of the cheering section,
    feeling somewhat unique about two sons in such a simultaneous ' yet
    diverse ' setting.

    `This year's Army-Navy game was especially remarkable because of the
    rivalry, not only between the two services but between my brother as
    well,' Dro admitted. `Despite our differences, we did spend the entire
    game together with our family. I was especially pleased that day. Navy
    won, of course, just like they've done for the past eight years.'

    Brother Greg is a mirror image of his older brother who, no doubt,
    carried a big influence in joining the military ranks. He, too, was a
    scholar-athlete at Chelmsford High, graduating with a 3.75 GPA. He
    captained the track team and played varsity soccer, filtering through
    the AYF ranks with the North Andover Chapter and playing in the HMEM
    Olympic Games. He was a member of two honor societies and like his
    brother, served St. Gregory Church with diligence as a stole bearer
    and acolyte.

    `Seeing my brother apply was a huge reason for my application,' said
    Greg, who was recommended for appointment by U.S. Congresswoman Nikki

    `There is no question in my mind when it comes to becoming part of
    the world's most elite military. My brother's insight was also
    indispensable, as was my father's initiative to attend. Growing up
    with all the military toys, watching war movies and dressing as
    soldiers during Halloween played a big influence in our younger years.
    The military is my call.'

    Straight out of high school, Greg was accepted to six of the nine
    schools he applied. Much to his dismay, his three rejections were by
    the military academies. He attended Virginia Tech for a year and
    enrolled in the Marine ROTC program.

    Greg reapplied to West Point and Annapolis, was turned down by the
    Naval Academy but got the appointment to West Point.

    `It was a hard decision leaving Virginia Tech and repeating my
    freshman year, but the best one I could have made,' he recalled.
    `Forbes ranked West Point the Number one college in the nation and for
    good reason. The military training and academic curriculum here are
    top notch.'

    His daily schedule is much like his brother's ' austere and by the
    book. Study, gym time, meals. marksmanship, land navigation and
    treatment of combat wounds are among the required classes for plebes
    (freshmen). Taps occur at 11:30 pm.

    `It is not a normal college,' Greg confirms. `There are no parties.
    This is a disciplined institution which trains military officers for
    the future.'

    Currently ranked 836 in a class of 1,242 with a 2.7 GPA, Greg expects
    to be deployed once he leaves here, but not necessarily to the Middle
    East. Depending on where soldiers are needed and the branch of
    service, it could be elsewhere for humanitarian purposes such as
    Haiti. He hopes the concentration will be intelligence, armor, field
    artillery or infantry.

    `I'm prepared to serve my country wherever I'm needed,' he says. `I
    have no doubt the training I receive at West Point will prepare me for
    deployment when that time comes. I thank all the men and women
    currently serving America in the Armed Forces and those who have made
    the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom.'

    Which all bodes well with the Patriarch General of this military
    unit. Felix Gregorian offers a hearty salute to his two sons and
    invites other Armenian youth to forge new avenues of approach with the
    world. Someone has to serve and carry the torch of freedom and fight
    for us all, he says.

    In 2003, he made his Boston Marathon debut. The money he raised in
    pledges went toward the building fund of St. Gregory Church in North
    Andover. He also waged a personal mission to raise genocide awareness
    in his community by designing and distributing special commemoration

    He's been with the Army Reserves 22 years and works in the
    respiratory care program at Brigham & Women's Hospital. It wasn't
    until completing a service tour of Afghanistan did he learn about his
    sons' decisions. Both boys were bent on following in dad's footsteps.

    `We live in the best country with the best opportunities,' he says.
    `Our Armenian veterans are prominent in every conflict with every
    nation down through the course of history. Many of them are members of
    my church. These are Armenian-American heroes who've spent time on the
    battlefields. They are proof that patriotism is alive and well. God
    bless the Armenian Republic. God bless the United States of America.' eatures/x99745094/Gregorian-brothers-follow-in-mil itary-dad-s-footsteps