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US-Israeli Attack Against Iran Imminent

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  • US-Israeli Attack Against Iran Imminent

    US-Israeli Attack Against Iran Imminent

    en.fondsk.ruÐ?rbis Terrarum
    Yuri BARANCHIK (Belarus)

    The statement that the US and Israel are bracing for an invasion of
    Iran made by Israeli envoy to the UN G. Shalev shows that - after
    failing to drum up international support for the offensive -
    Washington and Tel-Aviv decided to act on their own.

    Iran's civilian nuclear program is used as a pretext for the
    aggression. The actual motivation behind it is that Iran's economic
    and political integration into Eurasia, the space stretching from
    France and Germany to China, would undercut the US influence over the
    continent. It is not Iran's nuclear program, but its oil and gas
    reserves that are important in the context as they can serve as the
    basis of the economic development of China and the EU.

    Under the current circumstances in international politics, France is
    ready to sell military ships to Russia, Germany suggests integrating
    Russia into the European armed forces, and the EU is looking into the
    possibility of establishing its separate analog of the IMF.
    Consequently, the US is no longer needed as a global moderator.
    America's last resort in the struggle over retaining the role of the
    global policeman is war. It does not matter that much what war and
    against whom - making inroads into Eurasia is Washington's priority
    and all it takes is not necessarily a serious humanitarian pretext.

    Therefore, the imminent US withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan and
    the accompanying embarrassment will be followed by destabilization in
    Iran, which will for years arrest the socioeconomic development of
    Eurasian countries, or by US seizure of control of Iran's oil and gas
    reserves. This would allow the US to go on acting as the global

    The US is invoking as the ideological basis the myth of the Russian
    military threat to Europe - a successor to the Soviet threat myth - as
    a pretext for intervening into the dialog between Europe and Russia.
    The picture Washington is trying to paint is that Europe is
    defenseless unless the powerful US patronizes it.

    Similarly, the US is securing its presence in other parts of the world
    by spreading appropriate myths like the ethnic cleansing in the former
    Yugoslavia allegedly perpetrated by Serbs, the nonexistent WMD
    stockpiles in Iraq, the alleged organization of the 9/11 terrorist
    attack by the Talibs, Iran's nuclear bomb, etc. Provocation is
    Washington's traditional instrument in the struggle for global

    Accordingly, any warming between Eurasian countries that is not
    brokered by the US tends to met with Washington's resistance (the
    story of the organization of Russia's gas supplies to West Germany
    being an example). The key conclusion to be drawn from the above is
    that the US is the number one opponent of peace and of Eurasia's
    steady development who provokes armed conflicts to derail progress in
    international relations. Without conflicts, the US would see its
    influence contract to the proportions of just one continent, its six
    navies and countless military bases across the world - turn into
    useless assets, and its nuclear arsenal - into a burden.

    There is yet another reason why the US has to launch an aggression
    against Iran - it is rooted in the US dollar's role of the global
    currency. At the moment, the economic situation the US is finding
    itself in is no better than in the epoch of the great depression. At
    that distant time the US was dragged out of trouble by the
    unprecedented war in Europe, not by Roosevelt's remarkable economic
    endeavors. The US got out of the crisis at the cost of millions of
    lives of Russians, Germans, Belorussians, Frenchmen, Poles, etc.

    The present-day situation is similar - without a major war, the US
    economy is doomed to either a dollar default or hyperinflation. The
    same logic applies to Israel. Having lost the US superpower backing,
    Tel-Aviv is forced to negotiate peace with the Palestinians more or
    less on their terms. Such development can jeopardize the very
    existence of Israel in its current shape, not due to the Arab threat
    but rather due to mass out-migration of its own population.

    No doubt, the US would readily blow up the world to safeguard its
    global leadership and therefore, the US and Israeli war against Iran
    is imminent. The key question is not when the war is going to erupt
    but what other major countries are prepared to do to prevent a global

    All military conflicts involving the US were sparked by provocations,
    and the priority at the moment is to focus on neutralizing the
    consequences of the provocation that the world is about to encounter.
    The logical hypothesis is that the likely provocation to trigger an
    attack against Iran is a detonation of a «dirty» nuclear bomb by the
    US and Israeli intelligence services (or a blow-up of a nuclear power
    plant) in Israel or somewhere in West Europe.