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Agos: Turkey's PM Erdogan cancels his visit to Stockholm

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  • Agos: Turkey's PM Erdogan cancels his visit to Stockholm

    Agos Weekly, Istanbul
    March 12 2010

    Turkey's PM Erdogan cancels his visit to Stockholm after Sweden
    endorses Armenian Genocide Resolution

    Turkish media referred to the Armenian Genocide Resolution endorsement
    by the Swedish parliament Thursday. Sweden's parliament narrowly
    approved a resolution Thursday recognizing the 1915 mass killing of
    Armenians in Turkey as Genocide in a 131-130 vote, Hurriyet says. The
    measure passed with a one-vote margin in a decision that came a week
    after a U.S. congressional committee approved a similar resolution
    March 4, the paper writes.

    The only European state giving full support for Turkey's EU bid,
    Sweden, approved a resolution recognizing the 1915 mass killing of
    Armenians in Turkey as Genocide, the source reads further.

    The resolution also recognized as Genocide the killings of Assyrians,
    Pontian Greeks and Celts carried out by the Turkish.

    Following the resolution approval, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan canceled his visit to Stockholm. Ankara recalled its
    Ambassador to Sweden Zergun Koruturk immediately after the vote.

    `Turkey-Sweden Summit on March 17, 2010 and Erdogan's visit to Sweden
    have been canceled. Turkish Ambassador to Stockholm Zergun Koruturk
    was recalled to Ankara for consultations,' the Turkish government said
    in a statement.

    Replying to questions on the Armenian Genocide Resolution approved by
    the Swedish Parliament, Turkey's President Abdullah Gul said: `All we
    know how such decisions are made.'
    From: Baghdasarian