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BAKU: US Popularity In Azerbaijan At 'All-Time Low'

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  • BAKU: US Popularity In Azerbaijan At 'All-Time Low'

    March 17 2010

    Fikret Sadikhov News.Az interviews Azerbaijani political scientist
    and diplomat Fikret Sadikhov.

    Is it possible to say that after the US House committee adopted
    a resolution recognizing the killings of Armenians in 1915 as
    'genocide', the loss of US influence in Azerbaijan and Turkey has
    reached an all-time low?

    There is no doubt about it. The Americans have gone beyond the
    boundaries of the possible to lose the great reserve of trust in them
    that accumulated in Azerbaijan and Turkey in recent years. It has even
    come to the point when hatred towards the United States and its false
    ideals has formed in Azerbaijan. Our country has repeatedly tried
    to make closer ties with the US political elite, to find a friend
    there, but in response it has seen an openly biased and mercantile
    attitude towards itself. It is already clear that different circles
    in the United States are closely linked to the Armenian diaspora,
    thanks to which most of them become congressmen and influential people.

    The United States is the only country that allocates annual official
    financial aid to the Karabakh separatists. In addition, the United
    States is clearly concerned at the strengthening of Azerbaijani-Turkish
    fraternity which cannot be spoiled by the interested parties, while
    Azerbaijan is developing economically and becoming a more influential
    state in the region.

    In other words, many factors have caused the loss of US influence
    in Azerbaijan and the adoption of the resolution on the so-called
    'Armenian genocide' in the congressional committee was the last straw.

    The US State Department report of 1 March says that 30-35% of drug
    users in Azerbaijan are students. This information caused indignation
    among the Azerbaijani public and the US embassy in Azerbaijan was
    obliged to apologize for the inaccurate report. Is this proof that
    the US State Department has a negative attitude towards Azerbaijan
    and does not attach special importance to our country if it quotes
    unchecked figures?

    First of all, this proves the two-facedness and double standards of the
    United States in its policy on Azerbaijan and its unawareness of the
    realities of life in Azerbaijan, as well as a complete unwillingness
    to study the life of the Azerbaijani public in detail.

    The figures in the US State Department report are not merely insulting
    to Azerbaijan, they are disgusting in terms of their bias and lies.

    The fact that the lie was acknowledged by the US embassy in
    Azerbaijan only further undermined trust in US values, as it showed
    that reports can easily be changed depending on a country's reaction
    to the latest lie.

    This is a clear case of amorality in action.

    Does the United States have the authority to be an arbiter, as it has
    not apologized for dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    You are quite right to say that the United States has not apologized
    for the mass termination of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
    for the use of nuclear weapons and that this country has already lost
    the moral right to teach other nations and states.

    Three million Vietnamese were killed by Americans during the war in
    Vietnam! Just imagine the scale of the loss!

    Americans invaded Iraq, presenting to the world a false report about
    the alleged presence of nuclear arms in Iraq. Even when this lie
    was disclosed afterwards, the United States did not apologize to the
    world community and remained in the country where citizens are dying
    every day.

    After this the United States has no moral or ethical right to indicate
    to other countries the mechanisms for settling problems.