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ANKARA: Turkey "May Deport Illegal Armenia Citizens" Over Harmful Bi

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  • ANKARA: Turkey "May Deport Illegal Armenia Citizens" Over Harmful Bi

    March 17 2010

    Turkish PM Erdogan said that the crisis which took place due to
    Armenian resolutions would harm Armenia.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that the
    crisis which took place due to Armenian resolutions would harm Armenia.

    Erdogan replied to questions of Huseyin Alkan from BBC Turkish service
    in British capital of London, Anadolu news agency said.

    Erdogan said nearly 170,000 Armenians lived in Turkey currently and
    100,000 of them were living in Turkey illegally. "We are ignoring
    the situation of them now. But if it is needed, I will tell them that
    you should go back to your country. They are not my citizens. I don't
    have to keep them in my country," he said.

    "The current developments are not our problem. It is the problem of
    Armenia. This country must make a very important decision. Armenia
    should be saved from diaspora's control," he said.

    "No rush"

    Erdogan also met with his British counterpart Gordon Brown in London.

    Following the gathering, the two officials held a joint press
    conference and replied to questions of reporters.

    Upon a question on his recent remarks in an interview regarding
    the status of illegal Armenian migrants in Turkey, Erdogan said,
    "We will not decide on such matter immediately. These people have been
    living in our country for more than 10 years. However, if developments
    continue like this, we will definitely make an assessment and take
    the necessary steps," he said.

    Replying to another question, Erdogan said Armenia should be rescued
    from the diaspora's control.

    "At this point, the Minsk Group has an important duty. It should
    fulfill such task. Once it is fulfilled, all the problems will
    naturally vanish and there will not be any problems between Turkey
    and Armenia, or between Armenia and Azerbaijan," he said.

    "EU promises"

    In regard to relations between Turkey and EU, Erdogan said the EU
    should keep its promise regarding the country's EU accession process.

    A revision should be brought up in regard to the chapters which were
    not opened, he said. "There are four chapters on which we can talk. We
    are working on these four chapters. I think that Spain's presidency
    term will be like a signal flare," he said.

    Replying to a question on opening of ports to Greek Cypriot ships,
    Erdogan said, "if both parties open their ports mutually, we are
    ready for that. We want the EU to keep its words."

    When asked whether tension with the United States (caused by Armenian
    resolution) will overshadow the role that Turkey wants to play in the
    Middle East, Erdogan said, "we will do what we can. We are exerting
    efforts with goodwill. We are working to contribute to world peace."