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Kasbarian: The Armenian, Assyrian, And Greek Genocides: An Inconveni

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  • Kasbarian: The Armenian, Assyrian, And Greek Genocides: An Inconveni

    By: Lucine Kasbarian 7/kasbarian-the-armenian-assyrian-and-greek-genoci des-an-inconvenient-truth/
    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Recent articles in the mainstream media would have us believe that
    governments around the world somehow question the factuality of the
    1915 Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocides committed by Turkey.

    These articles would also have us believe that the Turkish government's
    latest temper tantrums over these genocides are justified. Turkey,
    of course, just recalled its ambassadors to protest the passage of
    resolutions by the U.S. House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs
    Committee and the Swedish Parliament that acknowledged Turkish
    culpability for these genocides.

    Despite what today's mainstream media are declaring, the evidence
    proving the 1915 genocides is overwhelming. And formal resolutions
    affirming these unpunished crimes against humanity made appearances
    around the world long before 2010. Regardless of what pro-Turkish
    apologists would have us believe, the issue has never been about
    whether the Turkish regime carried out genocide. Rather, it has always
    been about when Turkey would be punished and deliver reparations and
    restitution to the rightful, indigenous inhabitants.

    Powerful media elites would have us believe that the mainstream media
    universe has been devoid of criticism for Turkey's unpunished crimes
    because such voices are either non-existent, marginal, irrelevant,
    fabricated, or some combination thereof.

    What the media elites fail to tell us is that when these critical
    voices-from victim ethnic groups or elsewhere-come forward to submit
    letters, opinion pieces, or quotes, they are usually denied access.

    Media elites also neglect to tell us that opinions that do not reflect
    the official narrative spun by Turkey-not to mention Israel and the
    U.S.-largely go unpublished. Authoritative voices that would discredit
    the mainstream media's official narrative of the genocide issue are
    removed from the elite's "golden rolodex"-the name given to describe
    the small group of establishment-approved "experts" who are most
    frequently quoted in news stories or asked to appear on television.

    The absence of dissent in the mainstream media and in the halls
    of power does not mean that the victims of the genocides and their
    descendants are insignificant, apathetic, or deceitful. No, we are
    alive, awake, and infuriated.

    The media are also telling us that we should sympathize with Turkey
    because it feels "humiliated" by accusations of genocide. Turkey
    uses this word to describe its anger that its national honor has
    somehow been injured by such accusations. Do Turkish, Israeli, and
    American officials know what "humiliation" means to the survivors
    and descendants of the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocides who
    experienced debasement and degradation during the genocidal ordeals,
    and are forced to endure denials and demeaning treatment right up to
    the present day?

    And how did humiliation of the victims occur? By order of the Young
    Turk regime, unarmed civilian subjects-Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek
    men, women, and children-were raped in broad daylight, in front of
    their families and neighbors. The tortures and violations were beyond
    one's wildest imagination. Innocents were skinned and burned alive.

    Their tongues and fingernails were torn out. Horseshoes were nailed
    to their feet. They were stripped naked and sent on death marches
    into the desert. Women's breasts were cut off and their pregnant
    bellies bayoneted. Fetuses were thrown up into the air and impaled
    on swords and bayonets for sport. Men were tied to tree limbs that
    were bent towards one another; when the tree's limbs were released,
    the men's bodies were torn in half. Women were tied to horses and
    dragged to their deaths.

    Those Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks who were not exterminated,
    enslaved in harems, or kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam
    were driven from their indigenous lands. Those who survived the death
    marches spent the rest of their lives in exile, uprooted from their
    culture and civilization, grieving for their slaughtered families
    and yearning for their ancestral homeland.

    Media elites are giving voice to embroidered Turkish "humiliation"
    and not to the real humiliation of the victims, survivors, and heirs
    who live with constant anguish in the face of torture, dispossession,
    contempt, and indifference. Media elites are defending Turkey when
    it is the martyrs and their heirs who deserve mercy and compassion.

    In spite of Turkey's efforts to humiliate the victims at the time of
    the genocides-and to prolong this humiliation up to the present day
    with cultural theft, trivialization, and scape-goating-the dignity
    of the victims and their descendants has, remarkably, remained intact.

    Turkey's genocidal crimes have gone unpunished. While continually
    profiting from the homes, farms, lands, properties, institutions,
    and possessions confiscated in 1915, Turkey even accuses the victims
    and survivors of the crimes that it itself committed. And media
    elites portray ongoing survivor grievances as nuisances that impede

    It is the genocide deniers-the rulers and lobbies of the U.S., Turkey,
    Israel, and Azerbaijan-who are the ones impeding progress. Their
    denial, duplicity, and audacity do not mean that the genocides'
    victims and their heirs have been defeated. Denying the truth does
    not invalidate it. Fictional Turkish "reconciliation" initiatives
    foisted upon Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks will never take the
    place of genuine atonement and restitution, which are necessary for
    true progress to be made.

    To these deniers and obstructionists we say: "Your tactics are
    transparent. The perpetrators, beneficiaries, and enablers of the
    ongoing genocide against the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek peoples
    will be brought to justice. You can hide from the truth, but you
    can't hide the truth. We will persist, and the truth will prevail."