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Stocks Ride Out Erdogan Offensive

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  • Stocks Ride Out Erdogan Offensive

    By Robert M Cutler

    Asia Times 19Ag02.html
    March 18 2010

    MONTREAL - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent moves
    to weaken institutionally the two principal centers of resistance to
    the conservative-populist rule of his Justice and Development Party
    (AKP) have met with little resistance from the country's stock markets,
    buoyed by positive trade figures and upgrades in Turkey's sovereign
    debt ratings.

    Erdogan's continuing assaults on high-ranking present and retired
    military figures, through omnibus criminal cases of which the
    "Ergenekon" plot, involving a group of ultra-nationalists, is
    the anchor and best known, are presented as necessary reforms,
    having European Union membership in view. However, his most recent
    political offensive seeks to alter the manner in which judges of the
    Constitutional Court are selected, perhaps the number of judges itself,
    and to restrict the competence of the court.

    Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin has suggested that adding more
    government appointees to the court could be one of over a dozen
    proposed constitutional amendments, Bloomberg News reported on March
    13. The result would be to stack the court as a preparatory move
    for still more radical changes, not excluding some in the realm of
    social policy.

    The AKP majority of 337 out of 550 seats in the Turkish National
    Assembly is short of the supermajority needed to approve constitutional
    amendments outright, but it is enough to force a popular referendum
    on them, and to determine the manner in which they are framed and
    voted on.

    The country's equity markets have hardly reacted to any of these
    developments. They did fall last month following an Istanbul court's
    questioning of senior military officers as the AKP's political
    offensive against the military continues, but they have since

    Overall, after an excellent performance in the second half of last
    year, the benchmark Istanbul Stock Exchange Nation 100 (ISE 100)
    index has stagnated since the beginning of January.

    At its current level, the ISE 100 has recovered over 156% from its
    20 November 2008 low to 54,304 as of Wednesday's close. The present
    level is nearly equal to its short-term high six weeks ago above
    55,000 and not far from its all-time high just over 58,000 marked in
    mid-October 2007. It has outperformed its sister index ISE 30 (used
    for derivatives trading) but underperformed the DJ Turkey Titans 20
    (which focuses on the most widely traded and most liquid issues).

    However, the ISE 100 has been in a trading range between the low
    48,700s and the low 55,500s for the past four-and-a-half months. From
    another perspective, that trading range is merely a plateau within
    a longer-term up-channel that began nine months ago. Yet in another
    interpretation, the average five weeks ago had already broken below
    a different trendline that now represents a resistance to further
    upward movement.

    Pertinent to this lack of movement, the International Monetary Fund
    (IMF) this month said negotiations for a loan to Turkey had ended and
    that the organization will instead be undertaking other consultations
    with the country. In the past, the IMF program in Turkey has been
    considered a useful "anchor" for necessary reform. (See Turkey,
    IMF talks go to the wire, Asia Times Online, February 6, 2009.)

    That development came after Moody's, Fitch, and Standard and Poor's
    all upgraded Turkey's sovereign rating over the past several months,
    following clear evidence of the economy's resilience in conditions of
    global financial crisis. Fitch, for example, noted that the country
    suffered neither an exchange rate crisis nor an interest rate spike
    while implementing counter-cyclical fiscal and monetary policies.

    The country's trade balance in January stood at US$367 million,
    compared with $167 million a year earlier, while industrial production
    that month was up 12.1% from 12 months earlier. On the downside,
    inflation continues to be high, with the annualized rate in February
    rising to 10.1% from 8.2% in January and 6.5% for all of 2009.

    According to Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, the country does
    not need IMF funding because it has set out a credible economic
    plan on its own. Still, while it is true that the country's current
    economic health is strong at present, it is less certain that future
    negotiations for a standby loan, if ever needed again, will go so
    easily, simply because of the loss of momentum and the fact that
    Turkey is now accustomed to protest against blanket acceptance of
    the IMF's conditionality clauses, which tend to be rather inflexible.

    Rather than turn to the IMF to cover the budget deficit, the country
    tested the waters a week ago by selling US$1 billion of 11-year dollar
    bonds at a 2.03% yield above US Treasuries. Then earlier this week,
    its February budget deficit narrowed 69% from February 2009 due to
    the combination of an unexpected increase in tax revenue and a decline
    in interest payments.

    Nevertheless, any quick advances in the Turkish stock market may
    encounter problems. The market is showing indications of exhaustion.

    Volume has declined over the past six weeks. Despite some short-term
    favorable technical indicators, other indicators suggest that it is
    overbought. On the chart of the ISE 100 itself, there are several lines
    of resistance from short-term, medium-long and long-term formations
    in the chart terraced from 55,500 up to 58,200.

    Various recent remarks by Erdogan, widely reported in the international
    press, concerning Armenians in Turkey on the one hand and, on the
    other hand, the situation in Cyprus, continue to display an impulsive
    personal profile. Even if they are consciously calculated for their
    effect upon the Turkish public, they do not display an awareness,
    or at least any attention to or care for, their international echo.

    Given the recent closer understandings reached between Russia and
    Turkey across a series of diplomatic issue areas not limited to
    energy cooperation, and the manifestation of this entente at the
    highest political levels, it cannot be excluded that Erdogan's
    personal predispositions have led him consciously or unconsciously
    to emulate the well-known provocative style of Russian Prime Minister
    Vladimir Putin.

    The purpose there would be to shock, in order to rule certain spheres
    of dialogue out of order and render them impossible, if necessary
    through an abrupt end to the conversation. Although efficacious as a
    short-run tactic, this may prove not to be a constructive long-term

    Dr Robert M Cutler (, educated at the
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The University of Michigan,
    has researched and taught at universities in the United States,
    Canada, France, Switzerland, and Russia. Now senior research fellow
    in the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Carleton
    University, Canada, he also consults privately in a variety of fields.