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BAKU: 'All Azerbaijanis' To Take Part In Karabakh Referendum

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  • BAKU: 'All Azerbaijanis' To Take Part In Karabakh Referendum

    March 18 2010

    Elmar Mammadyarov Azerbaijan's foreign minister has made clear that
    a referendum on the status of Karabakh would have to be held in
    Azerbaijan as a whole.

    The referendum on the status of the disputed territory is one of the
    stages of a peace settlement, as set out in the Madrid principles
    for resolving the conflict.

    The principles were put forward by the foreign ministers of the
    countries co-chairing the Minsk Group of mediators at the OSCE summit
    in Madrid in 2007. An updated version of the principles put forward in
    late 2009 has been the subject of discussions between the mediators,
    Armenia and Azerbaijan ever since.

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov outlined Baku's position
    on the settlement process at a joint press conference with the visiting
    Romanian foreign minister, Teodor Baconschi, today.

    'Under the Constitution of Azerbaijan, if the territory of the country
    is at issue, a referendum is held throughout the country and voting
    involves all citizens,' Mammadyarov said.

    The minister said Azerbaijan had accepted some points in the updated
    version of the Madrid principles, but some points needed further work.

    'If Armenia accepts the Madrid principles and the sides start to work
    on a major peace agreement, then both the Azerbaijani and Armenian
    communities of Nagorno-Karabakh can join the peace talks. At the
    present stage, only Azerbaijan and Armenia are participating in the
    negotiations,' Mammadyarov said.

    Mammadyarov said that before the status of Nagorno-Karabakh could be
    decided, the Azerbaijani community had to return home. 'Azerbaijanis
    must co-exist with Armenians and only after that can status be
    determined via negotiations. This is a long process. It cannot
    be determined within a day. If the Armenian side agrees and the
    Azerbaijani community returns to Nagorno-Karabakh, we will find answers
    to these questions within the framework of a special committee.'