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Armenia Will Find Itself In An Advantageous Situation In Case Of Dis

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  • Armenia Will Find Itself In An Advantageous Situation In Case Of Dis


    2010-03-17 12:14:00

    Interview of Professor Rouben Safrastyan, Director of the Oriental
    Studies Institute of Armenian National Academy of Sciences,
    turcologist, with ArmInfo news agency

    Mr. Safrastyan, what will the American-Turkish political intrigues
    around the H.Res.252 lead to?

    Actually, the political intrigues around the H.Res.252 affirmed by
    the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, as well as the severe games
    between Ankara and Washington are still going on. I think Turkey will
    exert all efforts to hinder the passage of H.Res.252 by the Congress;
    moreover, Turks are striving to Obama's refusal to pronounce the word
    "genocide" in his annual traditional speech. For its part, the USA
    is striving to make Turkey continue the process of normalization of
    relations with Armenia. Moreover, Washington has other goals connected
    with the launch of the process of withdrawing the US troops from Iraq.

    These processes are connected with the growing tension around Iran.

    That is to say, the USA and Turkey are currently bargaining on these
    issues. In these conditions, it is unreasonable to make any forecasts
    about the destiny of H.Res.252, as the decision may be taken at the
    very last moment, literally before April 24.

    Don't you think Washington is unlikely to promote the H.Res.252,
    thereby losing the stick it is constantly using to threaten Ankara?

    One should take into account several factors here. First of all,
    even if H.Res.252 becomes a part of the Congress agenda, it will not
    mean that the USA has lost that stick, since it is still a question
    if the Congress will adopt it. In addition, there is another process
    around the annual message by Obama to the Armenian community. So,
    manipulating on these two processes, the USA exerts pressure on Turkey
    permanently maneuvering.

    Do you think the US Administration had a hand in the initiative of
    pro-Armenian congressmen, particularly, H.Res. 252?

    I think that both Armenian lobby and US Administration that used it
    as a stick for Turkey had their own role in this process. In general,
    for its part the Administration uses the Armenian lobby's actions as
    a stick, that is to say, quite a big game is played.

    What domestic political reasons made the Swedish Parliament recognize
    the Armenian Genocide?

    Specific domestic political reasons really played their own part in the
    given decision. In particular, I suppose that the Social Democratic
    Party of Sweden had a big part in this. Unlike the previous years,
    it supported the pro-Armenian resolution. That is to say, certain
    domestic political developments probably had their impact on the
    process. At the same time, recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the
    Swedish parliament, as well as by parliaments of many other states
    is mostly connected with understanding of the evil of Genocide. In
    the first half of the 21st century the humanity will realize this
    fact of absolute evil better. The Genocide against Armenian people
    was committed almost 100 years ago but it has not been condemned by
    the legal successor of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey. When condemning
    the Genocide, the countries show their willingness to prevent this
    crime in the future.

    Speaker of Armenian Parliament Hovik Abrahamyan has recently said
    once again that Armenia will ratify the Armenian-Turkish Protocols
    only after their ratification by Turkey. What is such position
    conditioned by?

    The reason is that at present it is getting more and more obvious
    that Ankara delays the ratification of Protocols trying to use them
    as the means of bargain with the USA and pressure on Armenia in the
    Karabakh peace process. At the same time, it is also obvious that
    these tricks will have no effect on the final results of the Karabakh
    peace process and Armenian-Turkish normalization process.

    How much advantageous may Armenia's position be considered in case
    of disruption of the Armenian-Turkish process?

    It is Turkey that led the Armenian-Turkish normalization to deadlock.

    This is evident. In such a situation, the process may be terminated
    and Armenia may withdraw from it. We should take into account several
    circumstances when analyzing the way it has passed. In particular,
    it is important for all the leading countries to understand Armenia's
    approach, saying that the Armenian-Turkish and the Karabakh processes
    must not be linked. Turkey's attempts to link these processes received
    no positive response and proved that all the leading players in
    the world share our stance. Secondly, Armenia has shown that unlike
    Turkey, it displays more responsibility towards the signed documents
    and deviates from them not a jot. As regards Turks, they signed one
    thing and spoke about another thing constantly, which undermined
    the confidence in them. Moreover, it is also important that if the
    process is suspended and Armenia withdraws from it, for which all the
    necessary legal premises as amendments to the Law "On international
    agreements" have been already created by the Armenian parliament,
    we'll find ourselves in an advantageous situation. Having signed
    the Protocols, Turkey signed documents containing no preconditions
    or dictate with respect to Armenia that it has held since 1991
    when advancing preconditions to establish diplomatic relations and
    unblock the border. Thus, actually, Ankara has given up this policy
    of pressure and dictate, and if some time later a new normalization
    process starts, which is inevitable, we can start it from these
    documents, in which Turkey gave up the preconditions.

    Why is this process inevitable?

    The reason is simple. There should be no artificial barriers between
    countries in the 21st century and a state cannot exert pressure on
    another state demanding to change the political course using the
    factor of the closed border. It is simply inadmissible.

    what is really taking place in the Karabakh process within the frames
    of the Madrid principles?

    Having no Madrid document coordinated by the parties, we have only to
    guess about its content. If in case of the Armenian-Turkish process we
    have such a document in the form of the signed Protocols, we cannot
    say the same in case of the Karabakh process. Anyway, we should make
    the Minsk Group intermediaries and Azerbaijan understand strictly
    that the problem of the NKR status must not be discussed, as Karabakh
    residents gained it independently by their own forces. As for returning
    of the territories around Nagornyy Karabakh or some of their part,
    this issue should be discussed by residents of Karabakh themselves,
    that is to say, the NKR itself should decide what territories it needs
    to ensure its security. The Armenian party has all the grounds for
    this as it won the Karabakh war and settled the Karabakh conflict in
    favor of itself. Moreover, over the whole period of Karabakh settlement
    Armenian diplomacy proved that it was a more constructive partner of
    Minsk Group than the Azerbaijani one.

    Interviewed by David Stepanyan, 15 March 2010. ArmInfo