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BAKU: Baku Could 'Strike Military Sites' In Armenia

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  • BAKU: Baku Could 'Strike Military Sites' In Armenia

    March 18 2010

    Heydar Jamal 'Armenia does not intend to engage in a constructive
    dialogue and uses all methods to make it clear', Heydar Jemal said.

    The chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, Heydar Jamal, has
    commented on the reasons for non-constructive policy of Armenia that
    refuses to accept the updated Madrid principles.

    'I believe that the growing tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia is
    part of a larger process of political activity, which can now be seen
    in most post-Soviet countries. Armenia does not intend to engage in
    constructive dialogue and uses every method to make it clear. In fact,
    a significant increase in tension can be seen between the countries
    of Central Asia, Russia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine.

    'The recent provocation by Georgia's Imedi TV about alleged attacks on
    Georgia by Russia is an operation by the special services. In the end,
    all the structures and foreign bodies, interested in maintaining the
    tension in the South Caucasus, were exposed,' Jamal said.

    'In my opinion, the differences between different states are leading to
    a large military and political confrontation in the post-Soviet area,
    which may manifest itself in local regional clashes. As for Armenia,
    it is more a virtual than a real state, which is controlled from
    the outside.

    'Today, Armenia is on the verge of collapse and the Yerevan government,
    seeing the inevitability of complete crisis, believes that the best way
    to avoid responsibility for the consequences is to provoke Azerbaijan
    to war. The Armenian authorities want to try to shift the blame for
    their failure onto "aggressive" Azerbaijan,' Jamal said.

    'Yerevan must understand that this time Azerbaijan can launch military
    action not in Karabakh, but carry out pinpoint strikes on strategic
    military sites in Armenia and, as a result, the Karabakh Armenians
    will be left without Yerevan's support and will quickly start talks
    with Baku. This time they will not be able to get what they did in
    the first Karabakh war, when Azerbaijan was fighting on two fronts:
    with Karabakh separatists in its area and with Armenia that had
    committed external aggression against Azerbaijan,' he said.

    'But first, official Baku should enlist the support of neighbouring
    countries, do major diplomatic work with Iran and squeeze Armenia
    out of Iran's political area. Iran and Russia will not take any
    drastic steps in the event of an Azerbaijani military operation to
    restore its sovereignty. I think the factor of Russia and Iran is
    strongly exaggerated in the Karabakh conflict, since this is not the
    same situation as in the 90s or even a few years ago. Azerbaijan's
    advantages are obvious there and nobody wants to spoil its relations
    with Baku by directly hampering the restoration of the sovereignty
    of Azerbaijan,' Jamal said.