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Useful -- but wrong

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  • Useful -- but wrong

    March 19, 2010 Friday

    Useful -- but wrong

    by Mark Krikorian

    A great American once said, "I have a dream that my four children will
    one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of
    their skin but by the content of their character."

    The Census forms that have been arriving in mailboxes this week remind
    us that nearly 50 years after Dr. Martin Luther King's speech, we
    still have an obnoxious system of mandatory government racial
    classification. While the motives behind today's race laws are
    different, and better, than those of the past, the government
    nevertheless continues to sort us into official racial and ethnic

    But those same Census forms offer ordinary citizens a way to register
    their aspiration for a colorblind society. Two of the 10 questions are
    about race and ethnicity, and a quarter of the space on the form is
    taken up by a long list of possible choices. Being of Armenian
    descent, today's race laws classify me as white, though that in itself
    is a relatively recent development. But rather than play along by
    answering Question 9 about race, I checked a box marked, "Some other
    race," and wrote in "American."

    My inspiration was Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote in a 1995 Supreme
    Court decision, "In the eyes of government, we are just one race here.
    It is American." This is not to devalue one's ethnic or racial
    identity, if any; groups such as Alpha Phi Alpha, the Colombian
    American Bar Association or the Ancient Order of Hibernians are
    important elements of our vibrant civic culture. But just as our
    religious affiliations are none of the government's business (and the
    Census is rightly barred from asking about them), we also need a wall
    of separation between race and state.

    There's no doubt that the race data are useful. My own think tank
    (whose views are not necessarily reflected here) makes extensive use
    of them in research on the impacts of immigration. But just because
    something is useful doesn't make it right.

    Fill out your Census form -- it's your civic duty. Don't lie in
    answering -- that's wrong. But write in "American" to send a message
    that the government should get out of the race business.

    Mark Krikorian is executive director of the Center for Immigration
    Studies, a non-profit think tank that supports tighter controls on

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress