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World Bank Supports Armenia in Public Sector Performance Improvement

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  • World Bank Supports Armenia in Public Sector Performance Improvement

    RIA OREANDA, Russia
    March 18 2010

    World Bank Supports Armenia in Public Sector Performance Improvement

    Washington. OREANDA-NEWS . March 18, 2010. The World Banks Board of
    Executive Directors today approved a USD9 million credit for the
    Second Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP II) for Armenia. The
    project will assist the Government of Armenia in its efforts to
    improve the quality of public services by introducing a
    performance-based pay system and a code of conduct for civil servants,
    and by enhancing public access to all available government
    information, reported the press-centre of World Bank. Strengthening
    governance through improved public service delivery is among the
    priorities for Bank support, saidAsad Alam, World Bank Regional
    Director for the South Caucasus. While some improvements have been
    made in the area of governance and anti-corruption, important
    challenges remain, including in the enforcement of conflict of
    interest legislation pertaining to public officials. In the new
    economic reality brought about by the global economic crisis, public
    administration reform has grown even more important, as getting better
    value from public expenditures and improving public services have
    become a necessity. Ensuring that public service provisions do not
    suffer at a time of tighter fiscal constraints requires focused
    efforts to strengthen performance management. To improve public
    service delivery, enhancing technology is not enough by itself. The
    most crucial and difficult part is changing behavior and
    organizational culture, added Kathy Lalazarian, head of the World Bank
    team designing the project. Its important to have efficient public
    services throughout the recovery because more than ever families are
    counting on the services the government provides.

    This demanding agenda will be tackled by the PSMP II, as despite
    progress in civil service reform under the ongoing PSMP I, policy
    formulation and implementation functions need additional
    strengthening. The Project will also help build capacity for
    performance management, and will support the Governments efforts to
    bolster the rules regulating conflict of interest in public service
    and improve enforcement. PSMP II has three main components. It
    supports: (i) the design of organizational structures in pilot
    institutions and improvement of the management of business processes
    by streamlining and coordinating functions; (ii) making human resource
    management more effective, and enhancing public service ethics and
    staff performance systems; and (iii) complementing and enhancing the
    electronic governance and automation systems to make them accessible
    to the general public, aiming for better service delivery, and more
    transparency and efficiency. The IBRD Flexible loan has a maturity of
    25 years and a grace period of 10 years included. Since joining the
    World Bank in 1992 and IDA in 1993, the commitments to Armenia total
    approximately USD 1, 318, 7 million.
    From: Baghdasarian