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Propaganda of hate on the stage

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  • Propaganda of hate on the stage

    Propaganda of hate on the stage

    2010-03-20 13:08:00

    ArmInfo. There is performance in the repertoire of the Tbilisi State
    Academic Theater named Mardzhanishvili "Kakutsa Cholokashvili" staged
    by artistic director Levan Tsuladze, which has caused astonishment
    among representatives of ethnic minorities.

    In the play there are sayings foaming interethnic hatred, insulting
    Russian, Armenian and Ossetian peoples. The following maxima are put
    into the mouth of the character performing Head of the Tsarist secret
    police: "We consciously settle Ossetians and Armenians in the inner
    Georgia and deport Georgian Muslims to weaken the country, dividing it
    in half." "We will destroy the Georgians, women and children, as Shah
    Abbas, Tamerlane and other invaders did".

    Characters with Armenian names and surnames (for example, Kirakozov)
    are shown as the traitors and provocateurs, responsible for killings
    of Ilya Chavchavadze, national poet and publicist and Shio Chitadze,
    Georgian teacher, publicist and public activist as well as bloodshed
    of Georgian princes during sovietization. First, it is a violation of
    historical truth (known, for example, that Ilia Chavchavadze was
    killed by Berbichashvili on orders of the Georgian Social-Democrats).
    Secondly, it is impossible to divide the people of Georgia on the
    "good" representatives of the titular nation and "bad" representatives
    of national minorities.

    Unlike Mardzhanishvili Theater Performance of similar topic "George
    Mazniashvili", reflecting the same epoch, which awakens in the
    audience a sense of patriotism and pride for their homeland, play
    "Kakutsa Cholokashvili" contains statements offensive to minority