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ISTANBUL: Berman's Armenia remarks become Washington mystery

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  • ISTANBUL: Berman's Armenia remarks become Washington mystery

    Hurriyet, Turkey
    March 19 2010

    Berman's Armenia remarks become Washington mystery

    Friday, March 19, 2010
    ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

    Remarks supposedly made by a U.S. congressman that a recent committee
    vote on Armenian `genocide' claims will go no further turned into a
    minor Washington "whodunnit?" Friday.

    Did the chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Howard
    Berman, promise colleague Virginia Foxx, who heads the congressional
    Turkish caucus, that the bill would not move to the full House? Foxx
    said he did. Berman said he did not, denying a conversation on the
    matter even took place.

    At the center of the dispute is the famous resolution that passed
    Berman's committee earlier this month, inflaming Turkey, dividing
    Armenians over its wisdom and imperiling historic normalization talks
    between Ankara and Yerevan.

    Earlier this week, Foxx met with a group of Turkish journalists and
    said the whole resolution is just political theater, a reflection of
    `local politics in California.' Berman, a Democrat, is from
    California, which is home to many Armenian Americans. Foxx, a
    Republican, is from North Carolina.

    `[Berman] was pretty strong [in saying] it will not come for a vote on
    the floor. He did not say it exactly in that way - he simply said it
    won't go any further. I accept his word on that,' Foxx said Tuesday
    during a meeting between Turkish and U.S. youth organized by the
    Atlantic Council, a Washington-based think tank. She also posted the
    comments to her Web site.

    But the comments reported in the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review
    made their way to Berman's office. He was not happy.

    `I never made the comments attributed to me by Rep. Foxx as reported
    in the Hürriyet Daily News,' Berman said in a written statement
    Friday. `In both public and private, I have consistently said that
    this resolution should be brought to the House floor for a vote as
    soon as we are confident that a majority of House members will support

    Foxx was unavailable for comment as the Daily News went to press
    Friday. On her Web site, however, the earlier comments had been