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BAKU: Turkish MP: Sweden needs to have to look at its own history

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  • BAKU: Turkish MP: Sweden needs to have to look at its own history

    Today, Azerbaijan
    March 19 2010

    Turkish MP: Before considering Turkey's history, Sweden needs to have
    to look at its own

    19 March 2010 [18:50] - Today.Az

    Day.Az interview with Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
    (Parliament) Ph.D Ahmet Tan.

    What do you think of the `Armenian genocide' resolutions adopted by
    the U.S. Congress House Committee on Foreign Relations and the Swedish
    Parliament? What will be further development of events?

    The whole world knows what the U.S. is doing and why "Weapons of mass
    destruction in Iraq" actually turned out to be "weapons of mass
    manipulation of public opinion". The whole world witnessed it. More
    than a million innocent people paid for this lie with their lives and
    blood. Something similar is being done for the Turks. A lie about
    extermination of Armenians by Turks in 1915 is as irresponsible as a
    lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. This lie is aimed
    at the masses and is a weapon of mass manipulation of consciousness.
    This weapon is directed against the whole Turkic world, including

    The U.S. is trying to make Turkey to yield to Armenia by any means.
    The aim is destruct barriers to the merger of Armenia with the western
    world. The Christian West thus wants to entrench in the Caucasus.
    Strengthening Armenia means weakening Azerbaijan and hand over of
    occupied territories to Yerevan. The United States and the West have
    very simple calculation. Of course, the U.S. games are closely linked
    with energy calculations and plans to strengthen in the backyard of

    Regarding the recent move by Sweden, to take such a decision, Swedes
    have sufficient arrogance and shamelessness. Before considering
    Turkey's history, the Swedes have to look at their own, and remember
    their aid to Nazi Germany. Sweden was "neutral" country, but allowed
    the Nazis to attack neighboring Norway through its own territory. It
    presented its territory of the fascist army, so that it sheds blood in
    the neighboring country.

    But Turkey did not allow the U.S. military to use its territory for
    attacks on neighboring Iraq and it did not become an accomplice in
    bloodshed of innocent people like Sweden in the Second World War.
    Germany invaded France, and Italy was an ally of Germany. Britain and
    France wanted to persuade Turkey to join the war. England wanted to
    use Turkey's airspace. But Turkey rejected its desires. On the other
    hand, Germany wanted to use Turkish territory for transfer of troops
    to Iraq. Turkey rejected Germany's demand as well.

    Sweden was also collaborating with Nazi Germany in the field of heavy
    industry. Germany increased its heavy industry through Sweden. The
    decision of the Swedish Parliament on the "genocide" is an example of
    arrogance. Decisions about the "genocide" mean cold war. They want to
    oppress Turkey and establish a new center of power in the Caucasus
    under the name "Armenia". George W. Bush called these processes "new
    crusade". This process will run in parallel with the actions in the
    Middle East and Afghanistan.

    In your opinion, what impact Armenian Diaspora's `genocide'- related
    actions will have on the Turkey-Armenia protocols?

    Preserving and enhancing hostile feelings towards Turkey is one of the
    conditions for existence of the Armenian Diaspora. Freezing the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols is also important for them. The aim of the
    current actions and pressure in Washington is Barack Obama's speech
    prior to April 24 and the magic word "genocide". If Obama decides to
    please the Diaspora and utters this word, the protocols will remain in
    history as the "Unfinished Symphony.'

    Do you share the opinion that the protocols have a positive impact on
    resolution of the Karabakh problem?

    If the protocols are ratified, it will not only have a positive
    influence on solution of the Karabakh problem, but will also accompany
    Azerbaijan's defeat in this fight. Armenia's contacts with the West
    will be even greater, and it will feel comfortable unlike present day.

    Activities of the OSCE Minsk Group on settlement of Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict do not give proper result. Two of the three countries that
    are members of the group have already recognized the so-called
    "Armenian genocide" and third one is very close to it. Does this mean
    that the fate of Karabakh is in the hands of the "impartial troika'?
    Is there a need for the OSCE Minsk Group to continue activities?

    Since its inception, the purpose of this group was to mediate in
    solving the Karabakh problem. A perfect mediation requires neutrality.
    Neutrality is a fundamental principle of mediation. Two of the three
    co-chairs have violated this principle.

    A large number of states in the U.S. have also recognized the
    so-called "Armenian genocide". The U.S. Congress committee has also
    recognized it. The process is going on. So, the OSCE Minsk Group has
    lost the right to mediate. In addition, this group for nearly two
    decades, has made no step to resolve the conflict and their activity
    is just a waste of time.

    Serzh Sargsyan's government is accused of drug trafficking, corruption
    and mafia activity in Armenia. It is claimed that the true aim of
    normalizing relations with Turkey is the use of these bonds in favor
    of Sargsyan's mafia. What do you think about this?

    Official website of the CIA also proves these words. It says that
    Armenia grows drugs for local use. This country is a transit for
    transport of certain drugs from Southeast Asia to Russia and partly to

    In addition, Armenia is a participant of an international trafficking.
    Who is behind these illegal actions? The U.S. knows this, of course.
    If they do not announce it, the rest of the world will be in the dark.

    Last year Washington announced that the PKK leaders are engaged in
    drug trafficking and seized their accounts. Everyone knows about the
    close relations between Armenia and PKK. The United States know this
    relationship also covers drugs. And only it can shed some light on

    Lately some media outlets debate one issue ` will Turkey give up
    national interests for the sake of business interests?

    Some Turkish media is also concerned over this question. Will Turkey
    give up national interests for the sake of trade gains? Neither Turkey
    nor any other country would exchange national interests for cash. No
    one can disrupt millennium-long friendship and brotherhood between the
    two nations.

