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Armenian Students Compete in 9th Science Olympiad Competition

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  • Armenian Students Compete in 9th Science Olympiad Competition

    Armenian Students Compete in 9th Science Olympiad Competition

    Armenian Weekly
    Sun, Mar 21 2010

    Ninety-eight Armenian middle and high school students with 80 projects
    from 8 schools faced tough competition at the Armenian Engineers and
    Scientists of America's (AESA) ninth Science Olympiad (SO) on March 6
    in California State University, Northridge (CSUN). The competition,
    organized by the AESA's Science Olympiad Committee, is the only
    science competition created for middle and high school Armenian
    students in the United States. Since its inception in 2002, the
    committee has been dedicated to the advancement of science and
    engineering among Armenian students.

    This year, participating students who had experienced the challenges
    and thrills of taking a project from conception to competition
    displayed higher quality projects in the fields of physical and life
    sciences. Their projects were judged by a team of volunteer
    professional scientists and engineers based on the creativity,
    scientific thought and data analysis, thoroughness, presentation, as
    well as clarity.

    The day started with interviews of the participating students by an
    expert panel of judges, followed by an educational and exciting
    `Science Trivia and Game,' where 12 teams of 5 students competed in
    the fields of science and mathematics. Five bright students won the
    fast-paced competition and took home gift certificate awards.

    Students and audience were very fortunate to have Prof. Nzhde
    Agazaryan from the UCLA School of Medicine for a very interesting
    scientific presentation titled, `The Invisible Knife: Recent Advances
    in Radio Surgery and Radiotherapy.' Agazaryan presented the latest
    innovation of cancer treatments for different organs using the

    After long anticipation, the award ceremony started with more than 200
    students, parents, educators, and science enthusiasts in attendance.
    Dr. Marina Guevrekian, the AESA SO Committee chairwoman, praised all
    the bright and exemplary students who had participated in the 9th AESA
    SO competition. She then invited the outstanding students who had been
    selected by the SO panel of experienced judges to join her on the
    podium to receive their obsidian medallions, custom-made in Armenia,
    and cash prizes ranging from $50-$500 for the first to honorable
    mention places.

    After the students' awards, the Teacher Appreciation Award was
    bestowed on Artin Behin from Hovsepian Armenian School for his
    contributions in mentoring and inspiring students in science and
    engineering throughout the year, as well as his efforts in encouraging
    more participants and award winners in this year's AESA Science
    Olympiad. Behin will receive a check for $300 for the purchase of a
    scientific instrument for his school's science laboratory.

    The committee also hosted a parent's reception and meeting to discuss
    collaborative opportunities and approaches to motivate students.

    Each year, more than a 1,000 middle and high school Armenian students
    participate in their school science fairs, and about 10 percent of
    these students move on to participate in LA county science fair, but a
    small percentage to California State Science Fair and higher. One of
    the many goals of the AESA SO is to help these young Armenian students
    to excel to higher levels of science fairs. The AESA SO mentorship and
    competition programs provide the opportunity for these students to
    seek the advice of professional mentors at the inception of their
    science projects, to present their science projects to expert judges,
    to gain the experience of AESA SO's more rigorous judging process, and
    to ask for the advice of judges who have served at the LA County and
    California State science fairs. The SO Committee also assists the
    Armenian students through mentoring and advising sessions at schools
    as well as e-mentoring online.

    The AESA Science Olympiad Committee receives support from the
    community benefactors to execute annual programs and present awards
    for the science competition. Over $3,500 is awarded annually to the
    science competition participants and a teacher for his/her school.
    Awards range from $50 for honorary mention to the grand prize of $500
    for first place. For opportunities to support Science Olympiad
    Endowment Fund, call Mr. Barkhoudarian at (818) 347-9122. The Fund
    establishes a life-time award under the donor's name for the winning

    The committee is planning to expand its programs in 2010 and needs the
    help of community scientists and engineers. All SOC programs are aimed
    at motivating students in science and engineering, enhancing students'
    self esteem, developing students' communication and leadership skills,
    and providing networking with Armenian industrialists, managers,
    scientists, and engineers. To get engaged with Science Olympiad's
    existing programs like mentorship, science workshops, field days, and
    judging, or to contribute to the success of new programs, call Marina
    Guevrekian at (626) 568-9191.


    The winners, their schools, and award sponsor names are listed below.

    Senior Physical Sciences Category

    The Peter Emmanuel Shirajian First Place Award: Mikael Matossian (AGBU School)

    The Godoshian Family Second Place Award: Alana Yenokian (Ferrahian)

    The Zohrabian and Minaskanian Third Place Award: Anais Amin (Ferrahian)

    The Vaughn Gregor Honorable Mention Award: Natalie Shahbol (Ferrahian)
    and Sevan Hovanissian (Ferrahian)

    Senior Life Sciences Category

    The Sarafian Family Second Place Award: Armen Arslanian (AGBU)

    The Amalia Guevrekian Honorable Mention Award: Garcia Atachian (AGBU)

    Junior Physical Sciences Category

    The Abrahamian, Aghbabian, and Ookhtens Families First Place Award:
    Allen Dishigrikyan (Chamlian)

    The Dabaghian and Nazeri Families Second Place Award: George Khabbaz (Hovsepian)

    The Bezdikian and Kalayan Families Third Place Award: Alan Begian (Chamlian)

    The `In Memory of Harmik Hovnanian' Honorable Mention Award: Gina
    Abakians (Walter Reed)

    The Grigorian Family Honorable Mention Award: Tara Peroomian (Chamlian)

    Junior Life Sciences Category

    The Akian and Darian First Place Award: Marc Matossian (AGBU)

    The Alexander Grigorian Family Second Place Award: Grace Khanlian (Hovsepian)

    Barkhourdarian Family Third Place Award: Khajag Bornazyan (Pilibos)

    The `In the Memory of George Guevrekian' Honorable Mention Award:
    Nicholas Papazian (AGBU)

    The Dr. Chahen Khandjarian Honorable Mention Award: Talar Kevorkian (AGBU)