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Made In USA

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  • Made In USA

    Yeghishe Metsarents rahos17240.html
    12:58:59 - 22/03/2010

    The Russian "Vesti" news program informs that the mark "Made
    in USA" will soon become history because under the conditions of
    globalization, the greater part of the American goods is produced out
    of the U.S. borders. The example, the Russian channels brings is the
    Levi's jeans, the last pair of which was produced in the U.S. in 2003,
    and now the company produces jeans in Asia and Latin America. As the
    Russian channel notes even baseball balls are produced out of the U.S.

    The channel concludes that soon the U.S. flag will stop being American
    either because the 1, 5 percent of its production takes place abroad.

    This information is really interesting. Once again, the thesis on
    the oldness of the perception of a state is confirmed. On the other
    hand, in reality, the modernity of the perception of a "state" and
    its permanent vitality is confirmed. The fact, that if a state is
    unable to solve essential problems does not mean that the concept of a
    "state" became old or lost its significance and role, is confirmed. A
    state is the one which is able to clearly formulate its interests
    making them clear to all the people who want to live in accord with
    this interest as well as it manages to imagine what interest they
    personally have from the life built around that axis.

    The U.S. perhaps, gives the best example of it. Not the American
    production is fused with the world, as the Russian TV tries to present,
    but the world is mixed with the American production. In other words,
    "Made in USA" does not disappear but broadens its borders. This is
    the classic example of formulating state interests, posing problems
    and solving them. The U.S. does not reach this through propaganda
    manipulations, emperor-worship, like in case of Russia, but showed
    clearly to its people that it is the most powerful country in the
    world. In addition, the expression of their success was not in words
    but in actions. Of course, there were failures too. But the fact is
    that their correlation, even after the September 11 terror, Iraq war,
    Afghan war, economic crisis, did not bring about a situation, when
    the American society perceives its country as a stranger structure
    to its problems.