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Same Armenian Genes, Same Blood And Same Determination

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  • Same Armenian Genes, Same Blood And Same Determination

    by Tavit Asdvadzadourian /2010-03-22-same-armenian-genes-same-blood-and-sam e-determination
    Monday March 22, 2010

    Montreal - Turkey's quest for Armenians to forget what happened 95
    years ago and their manipulative suggestion to let this touchy subject
    to a handful of historians to discuss the matter in the next 95 years
    in dark libraries or museums does not sit well with any Armenian
    whose parents or grand parents survived the Genocide.

    Armenians one day may forget the fact that Armenians had to pay extra
    heavy taxes compared to a Muslim Turk just for being Armenian in the
    Ottoman Empire, just to live on their own ancestral land that they have
    lived for the last four centuries. Armenians may forget the fact that
    they had to bow and look down when a Turk was facing them on a street,
    in their own neighborhood in front of heir own house or a church.

    Armenians may forget that they had to remove their holy crosses from
    their churches that were build more than a thousand years ago when the
    name or the notion of a Turk or a Muslim did not even exist. Armenians
    may forget that Turks would come and rob them of their farm animals
    and their hard earned wealth, but today's Armenian will never forget
    the intentional brutal mass murders and the killings of 1.5 million
    of their innocent men, women and children.

    Individuals sometimes pretend that they do not remember an incident
    or an issue for the sake of convenience, they even call it a memory
    blackout. Friends try to jog their memory with providing details
    and circumstances.

    Same behavior apparently is true for countries, or may be only one
    particular country: Turkey, when it comes to not remembering the
    Ottomans horrific crimes, the 20th century's first genocide that was
    committed 95 years ago. Other friendly countries, more than 20 now,
    have continuously reminded Turkey and the world that there are more
    than enough proof and information out there, staring from British,
    US and European archives and yet modern Turkey s says 'I do not

    Turkey itself conducted its own investigation subsequent to intentional
    killings and mass deportations of the Armenians from the Ottoman Empire
    and found large number of its government members including Talaat
    Minister of the Interior, Enver Pasha Minister of War and Djemal Pasha
    a high ranking Minister guilty of the above crimes in Turkish court and
    yet after 95 years Turkey does not remember, total memory black out.

    Armenians all over the world will never abandon their efforts to
    finally one day attain the genocide recognition from Turley for the
    brutal killings of 1.5 millions Armenians from the Anatolia. They
    will never forget their ancestors who walked without water and food
    in the Der Zhor desert, day and night, in the extreme desert heat,
    carrying their children, they will never forget that they did not
    abandon their hope, did not abandon the will to live and died only
    when their weakened bodies gave up.

    More and more countries are recognizing the mass deportations and
    the brutal killings of the Armenians in 1915 by the Ottoman Empire as
    genocide. Armenians are extremely grateful to all those countries ,
    organizations and people . However, the end of the road for this
    difficult and painful path comes only when Turkey recognizes the
    events of the 1915 as Genocide.

    While seniors member of Turkish government say that they are upset,
    they are angry and they have been dishonored by even a mere discussions
    of the Armenian Genocide in US, one wonders, what the Armenians who
    died at the hand of the Ottomans would have said when they were shot
    dead in groups, or when women were raped and murdered, or when young
    kids were snatched away from their parents and forced to live as Turks,
    or when young girls were taken as slave brides to Turkish men five
    times their age , or when pregnant women were stabbed with knives
    by Turks to check the sex of the unborn for the sake of a bet or a
    gamble, or when women saw their whole family being executed brutally
    in front of their eyes .

    'Leave the genocide history for the historians ' we keep hearing and
    reading about this for a long time now. What does that means exactly?

    It sound to me it means sweep it under the carpet and let it stay
    there for another 100 years. The history of the Armenian Genocide
    was already removed from the history books in Turkey, Turkish people
    cannot find anything in their history books and keep asking for proof.

    No wonder these poor Turkish people are surprised, shocked, stunned,
    and even offended. All they need to do is look outside Turkey,
    anywhere, in any country for historic information or look into the
    Ottoman Empire Archives.

    'Turkey is a regional player, Turkey can not be pushed around' we
    keep hearing that too whenever the genocide recognition issue comes up.

    Does that mean they can get away for crimes against humanity in this
    civilized world? To have zero problems with neighbors Turkey have
    to solve its problems, because problems do not die of natural causes
    after 95 years.

    It is time for Turkey to stop playing games, recalling its ambassadors
    from Sweden, from USA while knowing very well that they are going
    back. It is time now for Turkey to grow up, to look into the mirror,
    accept that dark past and look forward to make things right. Armenians
    may sound so stubborn in their quest for the recognition of the
    genocide, but the world can be surprised how easily Armenians will
    forgive the Turks if Turkey finally admits that what the Ottomans
    did amounts to genocide.

    Turkey is angry that the Genocide issue is coming up, year after year
    all over the world and especially in the US, their close ally and
    supporter. This perseverance characteristic of the Diaspora comes from
    the survival instinct of the Armenians. Turkey should not forget that
    the Diaspora who is bringing the Genocide issue to the international
    community constantly, are mostly the direct off springs of those
    who walked the Der Zhor desert day and night, in the extreme heat,
    hungry, thirsty, beaten and wounded. The have the same Armenian genes,
    same blood and same determination.