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DAMASCUSL Syrian - Armenian Relations Bolstered

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  • DAMASCUSL Syrian - Armenian Relations Bolstered


    SANA- Syrian Arab News Agency .htm
    March 22 2010

    President Bashar al-Assad and the visiting Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan held here Monday a session of talks on bilateral relations
    as well as on the latest regional and international developments.

    In a joint press conference following the talks, President al-Assad
    described the visit of President Sargsyan as a ' further pillar
    following my visit to Yerevan", in bolstering of the Syrian-Armenian
    relations, pushing them forward.

    President al-Assad asserted that the given conditions and developments,
    witnessed by the world in general, and the Middle east in particular,
    require the " more of cooperation, and consultations in every field,
    especially in the political and economic ones".

    President al-Assad outlined that his talks with President Sargsyan
    dealt with the standing bilateral relations and prospects of their
    development,' given the strong bonds binding both friendly people',
    importance of reactivating the Syrian-Armenian Joint Committee,
    as well as the conditions in the Middle East and Caucasus.

    "The conditions in the Middle East and Caucasus Regions were at
    the center of out talks; especially the conditions in the occupied
    Palestinian territories, and the halted Mideast Peace Process and
    what we hear every day of Israeli declarations threatening with war,
    rather than working for peace. Israel meets peace calls with the more
    of siege, killing and settlements construction; which could portend
    dire consequences," said President al-Assad.

    "I have been briefed by President Sargsyan on the latest developments
    related to the conditions in Caucasus," added President al-Assad,
    reiterating necessity of work as to overcome all differences between
    Armenia and Turkey, resorting to dialogue as to continue the process
    of confidence building, ' hence both of them have the good intentions
    to this effect", hailing President Sargsyan's decision as go forward
    towards relations with Turkey as ' courageous' ' based on a far-sighted
    vision'. President al-Assad renewed Syria's willingness to play a
    role in the finding of a ' common grounds' as to construct normal
    Armenian-Turkish relations, in the interest of the region security
    and stability.
    From: Baghdasarian