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USAID Bridge Completed 40 Projects Totaling $2.9 Million

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  • USAID Bridge Completed 40 Projects Totaling $2.9 Million


    23.03.2010 14:34 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The USAID Bridge Public Works Program marked the
    completion of its 5-year activities in Armenia by highlighting
    the program's successes and the importance of public works in
    fostering Armenia's labor market. Head of State Employment Agency
    Sona Harutyunyan and Social Sector advisor of the USAID/Armenia Social
    Reform Office Volodimir Yatsenko opened the conference. The event was
    attended by representatives of partner organizations, including the
    Anoushavan Abrahamyan Educational Fund, the State Employment Services
    Agency and World Vision among others.

    The objective of the conference was to present the results to the
    public, partners and donor organizations. Through its three components
    of community mobilization, vocational training and public works, the
    Bridge program aimed to assist vulnerable communities in achieving
    greater self-sufficiency by providing them with vocational training
    in construction skills as well as with employment opportunities on
    public works projects that rehabilitated infrastructure items chosen
    by the community.

    Bridge worked in 20 towns in Tavush, Aragatsotn, Lori, Shirak,
    Gegharkunik, Syunik and Vayots Dzor marzes. Specifically, the program
    completed 40 projects totaling $2.9 million, generated more than 87
    000 person days of employment, provided 1 240 people with short-term
    labor opportunities, leveraged 16% matching contribution over the life
    of the program, conducted 54 training in 5 different construction
    trades, trained 734 unemployed persons, 70% of whom found jobs in
    construction after the program completion and developed training
    curricula for Riling, Wood Flooring, Painting and Plastering, Concrete
    and Stone Masonry.