23.03.2010 20:50 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A glossary comprising 27 terms commonly used in the
framework of the EU's Eastern Partnership has been produced by the ENPI
Info Centre, with the support of DG RELEX and EuropeAid. The six-page
'Eastern Partnership glossary' is available in English and Russian,
as well as in the official languages of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Moldova and Ukraine. All the translations have been approved by the
European Commission.
The aim of this publication - handbook is to assist people
understand the terms and expressions used when referring to the
Eastern Partnership, a policy that seeks to bring closer the EU and
its six neighbours in the East, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
23.03.2010 20:50 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A glossary comprising 27 terms commonly used in the
framework of the EU's Eastern Partnership has been produced by the ENPI
Info Centre, with the support of DG RELEX and EuropeAid. The six-page
'Eastern Partnership glossary' is available in English and Russian,
as well as in the official languages of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Moldova and Ukraine. All the translations have been approved by the
European Commission.
The aim of this publication - handbook is to assist people
understand the terms and expressions used when referring to the
Eastern Partnership, a policy that seeks to bring closer the EU and
its six neighbours in the East, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.