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Limit Of Our Alternative

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  • Limit Of Our Alternative

    LIMIT OF OUR ALTERNATIVE lrahos17263.html
    16:40:38 - 23/03/2010

    When the point is about the fact that the NKR issue is a precondition
    for the Armenian and Turkish normalization process, the Armenian
    government, as the main argument of refusing this fact, brings the
    statements of high-ranking officials of the international community -
    U.S., French, high ranking diplomats, Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov about
    the need to view these two processes as separate ones. In addition,
    the official Yerevan presents these statements as if it persuaded the
    authors not to connect the NKR issue with the Armenian and Turkish one.

    In reality, everything perhaps is just the opposite and if the
    official Yerevan had to decide, the connection between these two
    processes would be set in the Armenian and Turkish protocols. Let
    us remember Serge Sargsyan's proposal to Gul to mediate in the NKR
    conflict settlement during their very first meeting. Gul used to
    affirm that Sargsyan proposed him to be a mediator; the latter said
    he just suggested Gul to promote the issue settlement which does
    not mean to mediate. No matter what word was used, the wish of the
    official Yerevan to involve Turkey in the NKR issue is evident.

    Apparently, initiating the football diplomacy, Serge Sargsyan was sure
    the international political centers would tie it with the NKR issue.

    This thought made Sargsyan bring his initiative close to the taste
    of the international community. With the time, the ideas of the
    international society came out to be other and it was found out not to
    be going to let Turkey approach the NKR issue settlement, not because
    of their inclination to Armenia but because of their own interests
    because broadening the borders of Turkey's influence in the region
    does not proceed from their interests.

    All of the world political centers want to use Turkey for their own
    interest and not to be used by Turkey in the future. This is the
    reason why Serge Sargsyan's proposal to Gul did not have continuance,
    Armenia did not go on holding Armenia-Turkey-Azerbaijan trilateral
    meetings which happened once in the beginning of the Armenian and
    Turkish process.

    But the case is what is happening in the mind of the Armenian
    government. In reality, everything is determined by the thinking codes
    the Armenian government entered into the Armenian and Turkish process.

    The fact is that these codes, in the beginning, supposed for a
    connection between the Armenian and Turkish and the Karabakh issues.

    Though the international society seems to have "persuaded" Armenia to
    refrain from such proposals, nevertheless, Armenia seems to be still
    keeping in mind the NKR issue when taking a step in the Armenian and
    Turkish process, though stating it is for no precondition.

    In other words, the problem is the mind not the international
    situation, repression or encouragement. In general, the lack of
    thought of the Armenian side in the Armenia-Turkey process seems to be
    a serious problem. The only alternative spoken about is the immediate
    leaving the process, in this case, the pressure of the international
    community will double. Armenia does not have enough resources to
    resist that pressure. When the country is on the way of economic
    collapse and social drop, when political monopoly is destroying it,
    and legality and laws are seen as elements of global treachery,
    unity and solidarity are useless to be spoken about.

    It is difficult to find a vital idea in such a situation which could
    bring unity and solidarity. Consequently, even if unity and solidarity
    are solutions, they are possible only through reforms of the economic,
    political situation, and establishment of legal atmosphere in all the
    fields. If these steps are not made, there is no difference whether
    Armenia is present in this or that process, whether it says yes or no.

    In the modern world, yes or no are not important but their value is.

    Value is provided with the help of economic-political and
    social-psychological conditions. During two years of the Armenian and
    Turkish process, this issue did not become the axis of discussions in
    Armenia. While the Armenian and Turkish issue is not a reason but a
    consequence. Generally, it is time to look for causes inside us. The
    search is possible to ease the consequence, let alone the time when
    causes are possible to be overcome.