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'Where Is Our Nuremberg?' Asks Serzh Sargsyan In Deir Ez-Zor

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  • 'Where Is Our Nuremberg?' Asks Serzh Sargsyan In Deir Ez-Zor

    17:44 ~U 24.03.10

    Armenian President Serzh Sargysan, while on a three-day official visit
    to Syria, issued an address while in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor.

    The statement, translated and released by the RA presidential office,
    reads, in part, as follows:

    "Your Eminencies, "Ladies and Gentlemen,

    "I am here today since I could not but be here. It is the greatest
    grief of my nation that has brought me here, the grief of the first
    genocide of the 20th century and the greatest disgrace of the civilized
    humanity. Up to this moment, in the 21st century, the stigma of that
    disgrace still remains on the foreheads of all those who have turned
    the denial of the evident facts into their policy, turned it into
    their bargaining chip and into their lifestyle and norm of behavior.

    "In the desert of Deir ez-Zor the most monstrous acts of the
    tragedy had taken place, and it is neither possible to articulate
    the particulars of that tragedy in the language of human beings,
    nor am I going do that since these particulars are well-known even
    to those who publicly deny the veracity of the Genocide. Bereft of
    home and property, bereft of children and parents, bereft of health
    and the last hope, and finally bereft of the most important - their
    homeland, these people were doomed to lose the last thing they had -
    their life in accordance with the state orchestrated and meticulously
    developed plan of extermination.

    "Quite often historians and journalists soundly compare Deir ez-Zor
    with Auschwitz saying that 'Deir ez Zor is the Auschwitz of the
    Armenians.' I think that the chronology forces us to formulate the
    facts in a reverse way: 'Auschwitz is the Deir ez-Zor of the Jews.'
    Only a generation later the humanity witnessed the Deir ez-Zor of
    the Jews. Today, as the President of the Republic of Armenia, the
    homeland of all Armenians, I am here to ask: 'Where and when will be
    held our Nuremberg?'"