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Armenian Genocide Survivors Tell Their Personal Stories At New York

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  • Armenian Genocide Survivors Tell Their Personal Stories At New York

    by Taleen Babayan -23-armenian-genocide-survivors-tell-their-persona l-stories-at-new-york-armenian-home
    Tuesday March 23, 2010

    New York - Three Armenian Genocide survivors recounted their stories
    of survival at the New York Armenian Home in Flushing, Queens on
    Sunday afternoon March 21.

    While almost a century has passed, Charlotte Kechejian, Oronik
    Eminian and Arsalo Dadir, residents of the Armenian Home, vividly
    remembered their tragic past and told their stories to various
    reporters representing the New York Times, NY1 television channel,
    Queens Gazette and Queens Tribune.

    Born in Nikhda in 1912, 97 year-old Charlotte Kechejian credited her
    mother in helping her survive the death marches through the Der Zor
    desert during the Armenian Genocide. Barely six years old, Kechejian's
    father was killed during the genocide. "I asked my mother if my father
    had left because I had done something wrong," recalled Kechejian,
    an only child. She remembers walking endlessly through the desert,
    thirsty for water and hungry for food. "My mother kept saying that
    we just had to walk a little more, but that 'little more' never ended."

    At the age of 10, Kechejian and her mother moved to New York with the
    help of an uncle who had already settled in the US. She spoke highly
    of her mother's strength to move to a new country barely speaking
    English and earn a living for her family as a seamstress. Her mother,
    who insisted her daughter earn her high school diploma, eventually
    opened her own grocery store on 33rd street in Manhattan, and with
    her daughter's permission remarried.

    "We went through a lot," said Kechejian, "but we're still alive."

    While many survivors' only scars are emotional, this is not true for
    97 year-old Onorik Eminian, who repeatedly pointed to the scar on her
    forehead, the result of being hit on the head with a rifle butt by a
    Turkish soldier. Eminian, born in Izmir, witnessed the death of her
    parents, sister and two brothers who were tortured and then killed
    by the Turks.

    At the age of eight, the Red Cross placed her in an orphanage and
    she later made her way to Greece and then to the U.S. in 1930 with
    her grandmother. She lived in Astoria until she moved to the New York
    Armenian Home a few years ago.

    Born in Shabin Karahisar in 1913, Arsaloys Dadir's father was killed
    by the Young Turks when he was 25 years old. Her uncle, a doctor,
    was one of the 300 martyrs killed on April 24, 1915 when Armenian
    leaders, including members of the Turkish Parliament were rounded up
    and murdered.

    Dadir remembers hundreds of bodies piled on top of each other.

    Luckily, her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were able to
    seek refuge with a wealthy Turkish family. Despite her own family's
    wealth, they lost all of their money and land during the genocide. The
    family eventually moved to Constantinople, where Dadir married and
    raised two children, moving to the U.S. later in life.

    All three survivors are scheduled to be present in Times Square for
    the 95th Armenian Genocide Commemoration in Times Square, organized
    by the Mid-Atlantic Chapters of the Knights and Daughters of Vartan,
    which will take place on Sunday, April 25 from 2-4 pm.