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Afghanistan 20 Years After The Soviet Withdrawal

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  • Afghanistan 20 Years After The Soviet Withdrawal

    By Benon Sevan

    SundayMail CY
    Sunday, February 15, 2009

    SUNDAY February 15 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the
    withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. On that day, the
    last Soviet soldier, Lieut. Gen. Boris V. Gromov, the commander of the
    Soviet forces in Afghanistan, walked across the "Friendship Bridge"
    linking the Afghan border town of Hayratan with Termez, in the Soviet
    Union, bringing to an end the costly and disastrous nine-year Soviet
    military involvement in Afghanistan, which began in December 1979.

    The withdrawal of the 100,000 Soviet troops from Afghanistan was
    completed on February 15, 1989, pursuant to the Geneva Accords,
    signed on April 14, 1988 between Afghanistan and Pakistan, with the
    United States and the Soviet Union serving as guarantors.

    I was present in Kabul during the military parade on May 15, 1988 to
    mark the beginning of the withdrawal of Soviet troops. The Soviet Union
    did not consider the troop withdrawal as a military defeat but rather,
    as General Gromov put it, as "the completion of an international
    mission and the fulfilment of the Geneva Accords; none of our units,
    even the smallest one, have retreated. That is why there is no talk
    of a military defeat."

    During a meeting held at the fortified Soviet embassy in Kabul,
    a week before the final withdrawal of the Soviet troops, my friend
    Ambassador Yuliy Vorontsov, with his usual sense of humour drew my
    attention to the numerous media representatives gathered outside the
    Soviet compound.

    "I am sorry they would all be disappointed," he said. "They are all
    waiting for me to run away from Kabul. We will not abandon Afghanistan
    like the Americans who rushed to the helicopters on the rooftop of
    their embassy as Saigon fell around them," he added.

    The Soviet Union failed in Afghanistan not only because of the
    perseverance of the Mujahedeen fighters supported by the United
    States and others through Pakistan but because, above all, they
    failed to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. Instead,
    they concentrated their efforts on a military solution.

    The Soviet military intervention was not only costly to the Soviet
    Union but, above all, to the Afghan people: over 1.5 million Afghans
    killed; over three million refugees in Pakistan and two million
    refugees in Iran; over a million internally displaced; thousands upon
    thousands maimed, orphaned and widowed, with the country devastated
    and covered by land and butterfly mines.

    Once the Soviets left Afghanistan, however, the Afghan people were
    forgotten and the attention of the world moved elsewhere. It is most
    unfortunate that no one seems to have learned lessons from the Soviet
    failure in Afghanistan; to this date a heavy price is being paid for
    that failure.

    In the mean time, the Taliban have spread all over Afghanistan and
    have also been creating havoc in Pakistan. The weak government of
    President Hamid Karzai has not helped the situation either. It looks
    like President Karzai has been losing speedily his favoured position
    enjoyed during the Bush administration and may be dropped like a
    squeezed lemon.

    Pakistan has been paying the cost for its heavy involvement in
    Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, when it served as the
    front line state in the Cold War. Pakistan provided sanctuaries to
    the Afghan mujahedeen. Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI),
    which literally directed the war in Afghanistan, was involved in the
    recruitment and military training of the mujahedeen.

    It also served as the main broker in providing the funds and the
    military supplies to the mujahedeen - provided mostly by the CIA
    and Saudi Arabia - favouring the most extremist mujahedeen leaders,
    including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Ustad Abdul Rabi Rasul Sayyaf - who
    is said to have been the one who first invited Osama bin Laden to
    Afghanistan - and Mawlawi Mohammad Yunus Khalis.

    I regularly warned the representatives of the United States,
    Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, as well as others involved in favouring
    the extremists groups in Afghanistan that they should instead support
    the moderate mujahedeen leaders. I warned them that the Frankensteins
    they were creating would one day come back to hound them in their
    own countries.

    During a meeting with the then Pakistan President Ghulam Ishaq Khan,
    I was told that all Pakistan was interested in was to have "a friendly
    Islamic republic in Afghanistan." I responded that the policy being
    followed would instead "turn Afghanistan into an Islamic cemetery,
    and cemeteries do not recognise borders. The cemetery would extend
    to Pakistan."

    I had similar conversations, among others, with the late Benazir
    Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, former Prime Ministers. Afghanistan became -
    and continues to be - the breeding and training ground for extremists
    coming from all over the world, from Algeria to the Philippines.

    There can be no military solution in Afghanistan. It is most
    unfortunate that during the past years the United States and its
    allies have relied on the same failed Soviet strategy in Afghanistan,
    emphasising the military option. During the recent discussions held
    in Munich, unfortunately the emphasis was more on a military solution,
    with a request to NATO partners to increase their troop contributions
    as well as their active combat engagement in Afghanistan.

    While Afghanistan indeed poses "the greatest military challenge" to the
    United States, as recently stated by US Secretary Defence Secretary
    Robert Gates, one should not underestimate the challenge posed by
    the increasingly dangerous developments in Pakistan where in certain
    circles, particularly within the military, there is resistance to the
    increased criticism and growing pressure being placed by the United
    States on the Government of Pakistan to improve its counterterrorism
    performance. According to reports, there is also a growing suspicion
    within Pakistan regarding American intentions, particularly after
    the strategic relationship established between the US and India.

    With the departure of the Bush administration obsessed with its
    anti-terrorism fight without any distinction between Islamist
    extremists and Islam, there is now hope that under new US
    Administration there would be a major policy review with regard to
    Afghanistan, avoiding the mistakes committed not only in Iraq but also
    in Afghanistan which had been placed on the back burner for so long.

    The appointment of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke as President Obama's
    Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, is a welcome
    appointment. He has the experience as well as the courage to say it as
    is, if need be banging heads. The Afghans respect strong personalities,
    which Holbrooke is.

    Duplicating the policy and strategy used in Iraq would not necessarily
    bring about the same results in Afghanistan. It may be recalled
    that after large sums of money were provided to the Afghan tribal
    leaders and warlords to prevent the escape of the wanted Taliban and
    al Qaeda members into Pakistan, the same tribal leaders and warlords
    readily accepted offers of more money from other sources and then not
    only allowed but also assisted in the escape of the wanted Taliban
    and al Qaeda leaders into Pakistan. That reminds me of the saying:
    "You can rent an Afghan but not buy them."

    While security in Afghanistan is imperative - thus the imperative
    to have the necessary armed forces for the time being - the military
    should be used in support of the diplomatic and development process.

    If the current policy of a military option is reinforced, Afghanistan
    would become the Iraq of the new Administration.

    It is therefore essential to establish a well co-ordinated emergency
    humanitarian assistance programme, providing sufficient and guaranteed
    funding for economic and social, including educational, projects, as
    well as for the essential reforms of governmental institutions. There
    is need for major reconstruction and infra-structure programmes. It
    is essential to understand and respect Afghan traditions, including
    tribal structures.

    Afghans should fully participate in the implementation of the
    programmes concerned and take full ownership of the process.

    Simultaneously with that effort, immediate steps must be taken to
    start negotiations with the Taliban forces that are not part of al
    Qaeda, who are prepared for reconciliation. This is something which
    is fully supported by President Karzai.

    In one of my early cables from Kabul to the UN Headquarters in New
    York, I had written: "I see the light but not the tunnel. I am afraid
    we must dig the tunnel ourselves."

    Well, Ambassador Holbrooke that is exactly what is needed to be
    done now without any delay. I wish you good luck. It is imperative,
    however, to involve all the neighbouring countries of Afghanistan,
    including Iran, in digging that tunnel.

    Benon Sevan, former United Nations Under-Secretary-General, served as
    the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan
    and Pakistan (1989-1992).