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Armenian Easter Brings Tradition To The Forefront

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  • Armenian Easter Brings Tradition To The Forefront

    By Nicole Jansezian, Travelujah Armenian-Easter-brings-tradition-to-the-forefront
    18 March, 2010

    In the West, Easter is usually a simple one-day affair. The different
    denominations in Israel, however, each celebrate Easter in their own
    special way and, particularly in Jerusalem, where a high concentration
    of Christians gathers, a variety of different ceremonies unfolds.

    So how does the oldest Christian community in Jerusalem celebrate
    Easter? With their own Quarter in the Old City, the Armenians boast a
    history in Jerusalem dating back to the 4th century. In 301, Armenia
    became the first country to adopt Christianity as the nation's
    religion. Since then, there has been a continual Armenian presence
    in the Holy Land, where Mount Zion served as a base for Armenian
    pilgrims to Jerusalem.

    The traditions of the Armenians are as enduring as the people
    themselves. From Palm Sunday until the day after Easter Sunday, the
    days are filled with services, many unique to the Armenian church
    in Jerusalem.

    "The holy places require a different approach and schedule for the
    celebrations," Archbishop Aris Shirvanian told Travelujah. "When you
    are abroad, you have one church, no other community. It is pretty
    simple abroad."

    Not all the rituals are religious. Some are simply an extension of the
    celebratory atmosphere and an effort to involve the entire community.

    The two Armenian social clubs each have marching bands with bagpipes
    and drums that proceed with the Patriarch and priests to the Holy
    Sepulchre on Holy Saturday. Anybody in the Old City near Jaffa Gate
    can view the parade, listen to festive music and watch the scouts go
    by in their uniforms.

    On Palm Sunday, the Armenians, Copts and Syrians join together for a
    processional three times around the rotunda in the Holy Sepulchre,
    each chanting or singing in their own language. An elaborate foot
    washing ceremony takes place on Holy Thursday in St. James as the
    Armenian Patriarch washes the feet of twelve of the priests, imitating
    Jesus washing the disciples' feet.

    One of the services unique to the Armenians is the Good Friday
    processional from the Holy Archangels Church, which is the site of
    an olive tree believed to be the one to which Jesus was tied while
    he awaited an audience with Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas the
    High Priest (John 18:19-24). According to church tradition, Jesus
    was brought here to Annas' house after his arrest in Gethsemane to
    await trial with the high priest. The church is also known as Deir
    al Zeytune, the Convent of the Olive Tree.

    The Franciscans have their own processional as well from this church
    that usually occurs on a different day. However, this year the dates
    for Orthodox and Catholic and Protestant Easter coincide and the
    processional will be on the same day.

    For Lent, Armenians fast all animal products such as meat, dairy and
    eggs. The fast is traditionally broken on Easter eve, after the Holy
    Fire ceremony at the Holy Sepulchre.

    Another service unique to the Armenians in Jerusalem occurs on
    the Monday following Easter. The priests hold a processional in the
    courtyard of St. James with the parish's relics. This morning ceremony
    is held particularly for the pilgrims from Armenia to appreciate the
    Armenian heritage in jerusalem.

    "Pilgrims coming (to Jerusalem) strengthens their faith and is a
    moral boost for us as Christians," Shirvanian said.

    Shirvanian knows that from experience. He himself was raised in Haifa,
    but moved to Jerusalem to attend the Armenian seminary and study to
    be a priest.

    "My life was completely changed living in this atmosphere among the
    holy places," he said.

    By Nicole Jansezian, Travelujah

    Nicole Jansezian writes for, the only Christian social
    network focused on travel to the Holy Land. Travelujah is a vibrant
    online community offering high quality Christian content, user and
    expert blogs, travel tours and planning services for people interested
    in connecting with or traveling to the Holy Land.