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Hayas Naval Research Club - 25 years old!

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  • Hayas Naval Research Club - 25 years old!

    Hayas Naval Research Club - 25 years old!

    2010-03-26 13:37:00

    ArmInfo. Hayas Naval Research Club has become 25 years old.

    It was founded in 1985 by a group of enthusiasts and united the people
    of different professions. One of the most important projects of the
    club was construction of the copy of the Armenian Kilikia sailing ship
    of the 13th century. It was restored with a help of medieval
    manuscripts. In 2004-2006 Armenian sailsmen made an expedition at
    Kilikia sailing ship to the medieval trade routes around Europe. Over
    the three years the ship ran more than 15 000 miles, visited 63 ports
    in 25 countries of Europe and Asia.

    To note, since 1994 Hayas Club has become a member of International
    Maritime Research Society, International Commission on Maritime
    History and Georgraphical Society of Armenia.

    P.S. Details on the first sailing and the crew is available at