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Foreign minister of Armenia takes part in OSCE FMC informal session

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  • Foreign minister of Armenia takes part in OSCE FMC informal session

    Foreign minister of Armenia takes part in OSCE FMC informal session

    2010-03-26 11:49:00

    ArmInfo. Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan, being in
    Moscow on a working visit, took part in the informal session of CSTO
    Foreign Ministerial Council.

    As Armenian Foreign Ministry press service reports, participants in
    the session discussed the course of implementation of decisions of
    CSTO Collective Security Council, further steps in foreign political
    coordination of CSTO member-states and assistance to the initiatives
    of Kazakhstan as a country presiding in OSCE in 2010. The ministers
    also touched on the current situation in Afghanistan and attached
    importance to the efforts aimed at strengthening of stability in this
    direction. Armenian FM made a report at the session. He attached
    importance to the growing authority of CSTO in the international
    arena, that is testified by a resolution on UN-CSTO cooperation,
    adopted at UN General Assembly, as well as by signing of a declaration
    on cooperation between the two organizations' secretariats. E.
    Nalbandyan touched on the project of development of the European
    Security Treaty and emphasized that Armenia considers this initiative
    by the Russian party important. "Equality of all the principles of the
    international law should be fixed in the Treaty", E. Nalbandyan said.

    Armenian FM met Sergey Lavrov on the same day. The parties discussed a
    number of issues of the bilateral agenda, as well as regional and
    international problems. The Karabakh problem was also touched on. E.
    Nalbandyan also visited the Armenian Embassy and held a working
    meeting there, during which the main problems of Armenia's foreign
    policy were discussed, as well as corresponding instructions were
    given on further tightening of partner relations with Russia.