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Protest At Turkish Consulate Exposes Ankara's Inhumanity to Children

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  • Protest At Turkish Consulate Exposes Ankara's Inhumanity to Children

    Protest At Turkish Consulate Exposes Ankara's Inhumanity to Children
    By Contributor on Mar 25th, 2010

    Human Rights Activists Demand Release of Falsely Accused Minor ish-consulate-exposes-ankaras-inhumanity-to-childr en/


    LOS ANGELES - A coalition of Armenian and Kurdish organizations
    gathered in front of the Turkish Consulate Wednesday afternoon to
    demand the release of 15 year old Berivan, a young Kurdish girl
    sentenced to 8 years in prison on trumped-up charges of terrorism in

    Organized by the United Human Rights Council (UHRC), the protest
    brought together several Armenian and Kurdish youth organizations,
    including the Armenian Youth Federation, the ARF Shant Student
    Association, American Kurdish Information Network, and the Kurdish
    American Youth Organization.

    Berivan was detained last October at a pro-Kurdish rally in Turkey for
    allegedly shouting slogans and throwing stones. Berivan pleaded
    not-guilty, contending that she was just watching the rally on the way
    to her aunt's house.

    Throughout the protest, demonstrators read excerpts from letters
    Berivan has written to friends and family, detailing her countless
    beatings from officers, coerced confession of guilt, and other
    hardships she facesin jail. Fact sheets, bearing her picture and
    story, were passed out to pedestrians while poster boards with slogans
    such as, `Turkey: Stop Jailing Kids,' were held for rush hour
    commuters on the crowded Wilshire Boulevard to see.

    A Turkish flag and a sign reading, `Arrest the Oppressors, Free the
    Victims' hung inside a makeshift eight-by-eight prison cage
    constructed by the protesters. The cage, placed on the sidewalk for
    passers-by to see, represented the plight of Berivan and the more than
    2,600 minors trapped in Turkish prisons.

    `They should be home, just like my kids,' said Parwaz Qaradaghi, a
    Kurdish mother who brought along her 6 year old daughter Savia and 4
    year old son Ara to show support for the imprisoned youth in Turkey,
    which she said should be `enjoying their youth, not sitting in jail.'

    `Berivan is just a kid,' continued Qaradaghi. `a little kid, worried
    and stuck between the four walls of a jail cell. She needs to be with
    her family.'

    Azad Moradian, Executive Board member of the Kurdish National
    Congress, condemned Turkey's brutal practices and said that if it ever
    wants to be part of the international community, `it needs to start
    respecting its minorities.' Moradian saw the demonstration as a call
    for the freedom of speech and expression for Turkey's minorities. `How
    else do they expect to join the European Union?,' he asked, alluding
    to the need for Turkey to remove its restrictions on free speech.

    Ralph Fertig, a long time human rights activist and professor at USC,
    was also present at the event, which he saw as an `opportunity to
    speak out against Turkish oppression, which began with the Armenian
    genocide and continues today with the genocide against the Kurdish

    Fertig, who was the demonstration's keynote speaker, explained that he
    has been a proponent of Kurdish rights in Turkey ever since he was
    President of the Humanitarian Law Project (HLP) when he was asked by
    Kurds to investigate their claims of oppression from Turkish Armed
    Forces. He traveled to Kurdistan and developed a report detailing the
    abuses he witnessed and clarified that the Kurdish protests were a
    legitimate liberation movement, thus subject to protection under
    international law. He presented his findings to the United Nations
    Human Rights Commissions, but was met with opposition in the United
    States. Fertig was charged under the US Patriot Act for supporting a
    terrorist organization. He is currently appealing to the Supreme Court
    to end the curtailment to his freedom of speech. His appeal was heard
    this past February and he is now awaiting the court's ruling.

    `This is the beginning of a movement that will grow and grow,' said
    Fertig as he spoke at the closing ceremony about the similarities
    between the American Civil Rights Movement and the Armenian and
    Kurdish liberation movements. `Movements like this grow because they
    have a logic, a reason, and a purpose - because they serve justice.'

    Echoing these sentiments, Chairperson of the UHRC, Sanan Shirininan
    stated, `This is just one example of Turkish inhumanity, just one out
    of the countless others who suffer in silence at the hands of Turkish

    `We will keep demanding Berivan's freedom, we will keep fighting for
    the freedom of the 2,600 other children who are in prison throughout
    that country and we will keep demanding justice for all minorities who
    are denied their basic human rights within Turkey,' she exclaimed.

    The protest ended with the releasing of doves, which Shirinian said,
    represented freedom for Berivan and all the other minors currently
    detained in Turkish prisons today.

    The United Human Rights Council (UHRC) is a committee of the Armenian
    Youth Federation. By means of action on a grassroots level the UHRC
    works toward exposing and correcting human rights violations of
    governments worldwide, and aims to foster dialogue and collaboration
    between peoples who share this common vision.

    More photos and videos from the protest can be found on the AYF's
    Haytoug Blog, HERE.