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Sochi Games causing a stir with Circassians

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  • Sochi Games causing a stir with Circassians

    Sochi Games causing a stir with Circassians

    Irish Times
    March 27 2010

    FINAL STRAW: FORGET THE Armenians and their generations-old genocidal
    gripe with the Turks. The Circassians are coming.

    Reuters reported this week that a Muslim diaspora is demanding the
    2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi should be cancelled or transferred
    elsewhere unless the Russians apologise for a 19th century massacre of
    their ancestors by Tsarist forces.

    The Circassians, Muslim indigents of the northwest Caucasus whose
    seven million descendants are now scattered elsewhere, say 2014 marks
    the 150th anniversary of 300,000 violent deaths in the Sochi region.

    The killings, deportations and terror scattered the Circassians to
    Turkey, the Middle East and the US, in which parts variously some
    seven million of Circassian descent now live.

    Although the 1864 events were recorded by Russian imperial historians
    at the time, no nation has yet recognised the Tsarist activity as

    Activists last weekend used documents from the state archives in
    Tbilisi to present Georgian lawmakers with a formal request that they
    recognise the 1864 killings as genocide - a move that would further
    strain Georgia's dire relationship with Russia.

    No Sochi 2014, a Circassian lobby group, told a conference in the US
    last weekend that the Games site is effectively being constructed on a
    mass grave. According to Reuters, Circassian activists have argued
    that the Sochi games are as insensitive as hosting a sports event on
    the grounds of Auschwitz.

    The latter sentiment, one suspects, will be deplored by all
    passport-cloning people. t/2010/0327/1224267171975.html