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Bulgaria to discuss the Armenian Genocide Resolution in a week

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  • Bulgaria to discuss the Armenian Genocide Resolution in a week

    Azg Daily, Armenia
    March 24 2010


    By Hovik Afyan

    "Azg" daily has already informed that Bulgarian Parliament will again
    discuss the resolution on the Armenian Genocide committed in the
    Ottoman Empire. The discussions are initiated by the Bulgarian Order,
    Law and Justice Party

    A month ago, the Parliament of Bulgaria rejected the resolution
    justifying it by "Turkish-Bulgarian friendly relations" (and again no
    denial of the Genocide ` H.A.).

    According to the Bulgarian press, there is a strong possibility of
    adopting the resolution this time that is conditioned by Erdogan's
    known statements in London.

    The Armenian resolution submitted to the Bulgarian Parliament asserts
    that "the Genocide committed against Armenians is one of the severest
    crimes of the modern history; it is a crime against all mankind".

    The resolution underlines that "the Ottoman Empire worked out and
    implemented a government initiative to annihilate the Armenian ethnos
    and expatriate from their historical motherland stretched from Ararat
    to Anatolia". The resolution asserts that in 1915-1917 the Armenians
    were severely killed, exiled and plundered by the Ottoman authorities.
    "The Armenian peaceful population was forcibly exiled, and the
    authorities took their property. A physical, economic and spiritual
    genocide was committed against the Armenian ethnos, and as a result
    about 1,5 million Armenians were killed. Taking into account the
    above-mentioned, the Bulgarian Parliament recognizes the
    irrefutability of the facts about the Armenian Genocide committed in
    the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1917 and joins all the international
    institutions and countries (EC, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy,
    Holland and other countries) that have already recognized this fact".

    At the end, the resolution states that Bulgaria doesn't agree with
    Turkish official position on denial of the Armenian Genocide. "We call
    on Turkey to review its position on the real picture of the World War
    I. We qualify the forcible exile and mass killings of Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire as Genocide. We consider necessary that this document
    should be compulsory for all state institutions and mass media of
    Bulgaria. We assume that Bulgarian and Armenian national monuments in
    Turkey that are a part of the European civilization need more serious
    preservation. We demand for taking into consideration the Bulgarian
    authorities' position during EU-Turkey negotiations - Turkey should
    recognize the Armenian Genocide in order to be a member of the EU".