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BAKU: Azerbaijan is being pushed to a capitulation

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan is being pushed to a capitulation

    Yeni Musavat, Azerbaijan
    March 16 2010

    Topical: Azerbaijan is being pushed to a capitulation

    Five districts and 13 villages of Lacin will be
    liberated...Mammadyarov revealed secrets of the Madrid Principles

    A solution to the conflict depends on Ilham Aliyev

    For the first time yesterday Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar
    Mammadyarov revealed details of the updated Madrid principles on the
    Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. At a briefing after the meeting with the
    president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for
    Security and Cooperation in Europe [OSCE PA], Joao Soares, Mammadyarov
    said that official Baku accepts the Madrid Principles as the basis for
    the future talks and for the preparation of a great peace treaty: "We
    are analysing the Madrid proposals and think that the updated Madrid
    Principles, submitted in Athens, are paving the way for taking next
    steps and starting the activities on a great peace treaty," he said.

    The minister believes that any conflict can be resolved
    diplomatically: "The Prague process has been underway for six years,
    and over the last two years, the presidents and foreign ministers have
    had several meetings, the mediators have repeatedly been to the region
    and the Madrid Principles have been submitted in a new option.
    Azerbaijan is ready to accept the document in general. This shows that
    Azerbaijan has chosen a diplomatic way for the resolution of the
    conflict and we are proceeding along this path. Let Armenia announces
    whether or not it adopts this option, after it, we will make public
    our next steps. The Foreign Ministry is discussing and considering
    various options, forms and ways of taking the negotiations further."

    The process has been under way for six years

    Recalling that the Prague process started in 2004, the minister said
    it is a stage-by-stage process and everything is stipulated in the
    Madrid document. This document states the sequence and types of steps
    to be taken, Mammadyarov said. Under the document, Armenia should
    first pull its troops out of five districts and 13 villages of Lacin
    District. Once this happens, all the borders and communication lines
    are opened, a donor conference is held, lands, communication lines are
    restored, programmes are implemented as the security problems of
    returning refugees are very important, the issue of international
    observers are solved from security standpoint, then troops are
    withdrawn from Lacin and Kalbacar, and all roads are opened.

    "Once the Azerbaijani community is back to Karabakh, there will be an
    opportunity to launch the final phase the process of establishing
    Karabakh's status. The establishment of Karabakh's status is very
    important for Azerbaijan. Karabakh is an Azerbaijani land, it is
    certainly wrong that a part of Azerbaijani territory secedes from its
    administrative control. Of course, we are stating that all the issues
    should be decided within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. As
    for the issue of self-determination, this issue is also an integral
    part of international law. However, this does not mean that the issue
    of territorial integrity may be violated. We have said repeatedly that
    there are different autonomies and statuses in the world. For
    instance, Tatars, Bashkirs in the Russian Federation have achieved
    their self-determination, but within the Russian Federation," the
    minister said.

    Mammadyarov added that if Armenia withdraws its troops from the
    occupied lands step by step, the region will encounter great
    opportunities both economically and security standpoint: "No-one can
    take lands anywhere, whether you want it or not, you have to have a
    proper policy with neighbours. As the foreign minister of Azerbaijan,
    I believe that this is the most important and the best process. We
    have also to remove the issue of the occupied territories and the IDPs
    from the negotiating table. The quicker this takes place the better,
    and war rhetoric will be redundant. The war rhetoric exists first of
    all for the reason that there are problems of the occupied lands and
    the IDPs."

    What have been changed in the Kremlin-drafted plan?

    As also confirmed by the Azerbaijani foreign minister, the updated
    option of the Madrid Principles stipulates that the status of Nagornyy
    Karabakh be established in the final stage. Nevertheless, although
    Mammadyarov spoke about all the stages of the regulation process, he
    did not say how this final stage will be realized. If we believe in
    what official Baku says, the final status issue is intended to be
    solved through talks.

    However, the real situation is that both the old and the updated
    option of the Madrid Principles stipulate establishing the status of
    the region through a referendum. As Mammadyarov confirmed, the talks
    on this principle has been going on since 2004. The Kremlin is the
    author of the idea of establishing the final status of the Nagornyy
    Karabakh through a referendum in the final stage.

    This plan was worked out at the administration of the Russian
    president in 2004, and was submitted to Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev and then president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan at the Astana
    summit of the CIS [the Commonwealth of Independent States].

    The document was later agreed with other co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk
    Group, and handed over to the sides after being transformed into the
    Madrid Principles following certain stages of the talks. Mammadyarov's
    statement also enables us to come up with forecasts on what new
    principles are in the updated Madrid Principles. It emerges that the
    updated option envisages the liberation of 13 villages of Lacin
    District in addition to five districts agreed under the previous

    However, the minister's statement raises slight doubts that the Madrid
    Principles are envisaging the establishment of the final status of
    Nagornyy Karabakh after the liberation of Lacin and Kalbacar
    districts. It is possible that this aspect is being aired by official
    Baku, that is to say, the plan, submitted to the sides in the talks,
    does not stipulate this.

    As the Azerbaijani foreign minister said Armenia has not yet made
    clear its position on the updated Madrid Principles. This issue will
    be discussed in Paris at a meeting between Armenian Foreign Minister
    Edvard Nalbandyan and the co-chairs. As reported, over the recent
    days, France and Russia have had intensive talks over the updated
    Madrid Principles.

    Is official Baku manoeuvring?

    As said, Azerbaijan has accepted the peace plan for the talks which
    envisages the establishment of Nagornyy Karabakh's status through a
    referendum. We wonder, could it be assessed as a capitulation of the
    Azerbaijani authorities? After all, the outcome of the referendum, to
    be held in Nagornyy Karabakh, is a foregone conclusion.

    Ariel Cohen, prominent American expert, senior research fellow with
    the Heritage Foundation, who is well-versed in details of the Karabakh
    talks and was involved in one of the meetings of the presidents last
    year, said the referendum agreed to by official Baku meant that
    Nagornyy Karabakh would be handed over to Armenia.

    If this is the case, there remains no doubt that the on-going talks
    are pushing Azerbaijan to the capitulation. However, under the
    existing situation, it may seem that Baku is manoeuvring. If a
    specific time limit is not set for the referendum in Nagornyy Karabakh
    and it is planned to hold the referendum for the establishment of the
    region's final status once after Azerbaijanis return and settle in
    there, then Armenia would not accept this peace proposal.

    Armenia wants a guarantee for Nagornyy Karabakh in advance before
    agreeing to the liberation of the adjacent districts. It is well-known
    that there have been discussions more than once over the conduct of
    the referendum in five or 10 years. However, it would be an
    inescapable capitulation for official Baku to agree to this time

    Consequently, it is assumed that Azerbaijan has accepted the peace
    proposal, knowing that it would be turned down by Armenia in order to
    get upper hand in diplomacy as well as prevent external pressure it
    has come under over the Karabakh conflict. Theoretically, even if
    Armenia agrees to the option in question, there are opportunities to
    delay the referendum for dozens of years.

    "A solution of the conflict depends on Ilham Aliyev"

    In the meantime, the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA), Joao
    Soares, said that a solution to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict lies
    with Azerbaijan and its President Ilham Aliyev.

    It is the first time that international mediators issue an irrevocable
    statement and indicate Azerbaijan and its president as the sides from
    whom the resolution of the conflict depends. "I hope the political
    leaderships of the both sides will demonstrate political courage for
    the adoption of this decision this year. Very resolute steps should be
    taken. I hope President Ilham Aliyev will take this resolute step and
    with this he will not only go down in history of the region but also
    the world as the man enabling the resolution of the Nagornyy Karabakh

    We wonder what does Soares want to say with this? How could it be
    possible that a resolution of the conflict does not depend on the
    occupying side, but on the side whose territories have been occupied?
    These questions have a single answer: The West and its structures want
    to make Azerbaijan and its president to get rid of Nagornyy Karabakh;
    wide-ranging options are being resorted to succeed in this and
    pressure is given the go-ahead when tempting options fail to be
    successful. And they have already been given the go-ahead...[

    [translated from Azeri]