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Holy Land Churches Slam Israel's Policy in Jerusalem

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  • Holy Land Churches Slam Israel's Policy in Jerusalem

    WAFA - Palestine News Agency
    March 27 2010

    Holy Land Churches Slam Israel's Policy in Jerusalem

    Date : 27/3/2010 Time : 19:44

    JERUSALEM, March 27, 2010 (WAFA)- In a press conference organized in
    Jerusalem this morning by The National Christian Coalition in the Holy
    Land, Representatives of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Latin
    Patriarchate, Armenian Patriarchate, Episcopal Church slammed Israel's
    policies in Occupied East Jerusalem.

    President of the National Christian Coalition in the Holy Land,
    Dimitri Diliani, assured local Christian popular support of the
    Churches' position rejecting Israeli unilateral colonial settlement
    building in the Palestinian Territory Occupied in 1967, especially in
    Jerusalem, in addition to the churches condemnation of violations
    committed by the State of Israel against the Palestinian People's
    national, religious and cultural rights.

    `As we approach Easter Holidays,' Diliani added, `Israeli
    discrimination appears clearly when we compare the treatment of Jews
    celebrating Passover on one hand, and Christians celebrating Easter on
    the other.'

    Diliani said, `if what Israel practices against Christians is
    practiced anywhere in the world against Jews, that place would be
    boycotted by the International community at once.' He wondered, 'Are
    the Holy Land Christians less worthy than other human beings around
    the world?'

    Bishop Aris Shirverian of the Armenian Patriarchate expressed his
    church's dismay at Israeli policies in Jerusalem, especially during
    the holidays where thousands of pilgrims are prohibited from visiting
    the Church of Holy Sepulcher.

    Father Dr. Peter Madrous of Latin Patriarchate assured that one who
    plants injustice will harvest animosity 'and that is the reason for
    the Israeli paranoia, Israel has planted injustice for years'. Father
    Madrous stated that Palestinian Christians are peaceful people who
    have the right to practice their religion without Israeli armed

    Rev. Zahi Nasser of the Episcopal Church criticized Israeli claims to
    Democracy given reality on the ground. He said that Israeli building
    an Apartheid Wall and violating Palestinian people's rights directly
    contradict its claims to being a Democracy. Rev. Nasser said that
    Jerusalem is suffering just like Jesus suffered at the hands of his

    Father Issa Misleh, Spokesman for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate,
    said that his church attempted to negotiate with the Israeli security
    forces over the arrangements for the Holy Week, he added that these
    negotiations faced major inflexibility by Israeli officials who
    insisted on imposing their view of what should be taking place on our
    holiday. Father Misleh rejected the Israelis excuse of security
    saying that all throughout history Christians were not prohibited from
    entering the same facilities under the same circumstances until Israel
    decided that it should down play any Christian character of the holy
    city of Jerusalem. He said that Christian and Muslim Palestinians
    suffer from the same Israeli policies. mp;id=13951