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New START between Russia and U.S. to be signed on April 8 in Prague

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  • New START between Russia and U.S. to be signed on April 8 in Prague

    New START between Russia and U.S. to be signed on April 8 in Prague

    28.03.2010 17:44 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ During a telephone conversation the RF President
    Dmitry Medvedev and U.S. President Barack Obama have agreed to hold on
    April 8, 2010 a meeting in Prague for signing the Treaty between the
    United States and Russian Federation on measures for further reduction
    and limitation of strategic offensive arms.

    This agreement will replace the START Treaty of 1991, completed its
    action on Dec. 4, 2009. It will also replace the Treaty between the RF
    and the U.S. on Strategic Offensive Reductions of May 24, 2002 (SORT),
    the Kremlin press service reported.

    The agreement duration is 10 years, before expiry of this period it
    will not be replaced by a subsequent agreement on reduction and
    limitation of strategic offensive arms. During the telephone
    conversation mutual satisfaction was expressed.

    The presidents agreed that the new agreement marks the transition of
    Russia - U.S. strategic relations to a higher level. It will
    demonstrate the continuing commitment of Russia and the U.S., the
    largest world nuclear powers, to reduce their strategic offensive
    arsenals in accordance with the spirit of the NPT.