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Diego Garcia: Iran attack mystery deepens

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  • Diego Garcia: Iran attack mystery deepens

    Diego Garcia: Iran attack mystery deepens

    David Miliband: under pressure to clarify the military status of the
    British island
    Rob Edwards cs/diego-garcia-iran-attack-mystery-deepens-1.1014 932
    Published on 21 Mar 2010

    The Foreign Office is coming under mounting pressure to tell the truth
    about whether there are plans by the US to use the British island of
    Diego Garcia as a base to launch an attack on Iran.

    Leading opposition politicians are demanding answers from UK ministers
    on the role played by the Indian Ocean atoll in previous attacks on
    Iraq and Afghanistan, and in any future strikes.

    Last week, the Sunday Herald revealed 387 bunker buster bombs were
    being shipped to Diego Garcia by the US. Some experts suggested the
    move could be in preparation for a possible strike against Iran's
    nuclear facilities.

    Although the island is part of British territory, it is used by the US
    as a military base. Some US air strikes against Iraq in 1991 and 2003,
    and against Afghanistan since 2001, have come from Diego Garcia. The
    island has also been used for the extraordinary rendition of suspected

    `The use of British sovereign territory without restriction is clearly
    something which causes great concern,' said Sir Menzies Campbell MP, a
    member of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and a former
    Liberal Democrat leader. `The Government has been reluctant to give
    specific details about the nature of the agreement which governs US
    occupation. More transparency is unquestionably required.'

    The LibDem foreign spokesman, Edward Davey MP, called on the foreign
    secretary, David Miliband, to make clear whether Diego Garcia was
    being used by the US to prepare for military action against Iran. `The
    events relating to this island of shame have damaged Britain's
    international reputation,' he said.

    The Foreign Office did not respond to a request for comment yesterday.

    Last weekend's Sunday Herald story about the shipment of US bunker
    busters to Diego Garcia was followed up by scores of media outlets
    across the world, in the US, Russia, Europe, Asia, Africa and the
    Middle East.

    One report, from the World Tribune in the US, said the shipment had
    been originally destined for US bases in Israel. Quoting Congressional
    sources, it suggested the bunker busters had been diverted to Diego
    Garcia as part of an unacknowledged embargo on military equipment for

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress