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Relay race along CIS borders devoted to V-Day, arrives in Yerevan

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  • Relay race along CIS borders devoted to V-Day, arrives in Yerevan

    Itar-Tass, Russia
    March 28 2010

    Relay race along CIS borders devoted to V-Day, arrives in Yerevan

    28.03.2010, 16.41

    YEREVAN, March 28 (Itar-Tass) - The `Victory Relay Race' along CIS
    borders on the occasion of the V-Day, arrived in the Armenian capital
    on Sunday. The anthems of Russia and Armenia were festively rendered
    at the Yerevan international airport as well as popular songs and

    Representative of Russian border troops in Armenia Vyacheslav Kurgin
    said that the `Victory Relay Race' is conducted on a decision of the
    Council of commanders of border troops of CIS countries. According to
    the representative, `the action publicises glorious combat traditions
    of borderguards, and is called upon to consolidate unity and
    historical friendship of peoples of the Commonwealth'.

    `This relay race shows goodwill of CIS peoples to live in peace,
    friendship and good-neighbourly relations,' said deputy commander of
    border troops of the Armenian Security Service for personnel Martiros
    Martirosyan. `It also symbolises strengthening relations between
    border departments of CIS countries'.

    This action `is an expression of unity of our borders we guard by
    joint efforts,' the colonel said. He wished the relay race `a
    successful start and successful finish'.