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BAKU: Medvedev Wants To Solve Karabakh Problem During His Presidency

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  • BAKU: Medvedev Wants To Solve Karabakh Problem During His Presidency

    March 29 2010

    Mike Hancock News.Az interviews Mike Hancock, a Member of British
    Parliament, PACE and the European Security and Defence Assembly of
    the Western European Union.

    What do you think about the prospect of the Karabakh settlement?

    I was in Moscow recently. I was speaking to the co-chairman of the
    OSCE Minsk group. He felt there's the best opportunity now to start to
    move things together. He said that President Medvedev in particular
    was now very keen to make some sort of settlement. He wants this
    issue to be solved by the time when his presidency finished. And
    he was more optimistic he said that he hade been for a long time,
    which was good news to my opinion.

    What we really need is some movement on the Armenian side. I think
    Armenia itself, internally people I think would want some sort
    of settlement now. But it is ongoing problem of the Diaspora that
    is putting so much pressure both emotionally and historically on
    this issue now. And I think there is a need to prevent the outside
    influences particularly on Armenia.

    I think Armenia and its ally Russia both would like to see this
    conflict settled soon rather than later knowing this advantage.

    You have mentioned your meeting with the co-chairman of the OSCE
    Minsk group. Which one?

    Russian co-chairman.

    By the way what do you thing about Russia's activity towards the
    Karabakh settlement?

    Well I think their attitude has changed. There is a shift in the
    Russian thinking on Karabakh. I think they do not want the Caucasus to
    be a serious of ongoing problems for them. They have enough problems
    in the North Caucasus. So the sooner they can solve the issues around
    the area generally I think it's to their advantage. And it's taken a
    long time for them to see that it is generally now in their interests.

    I don't know how the solution will be forthcoming but I do feel
    (probably over optimistic) that it is good time than any to see this
    changes made.

    There is an opinion that since the war with Georgia Russia has been
    playing more positive role in the Karabagh settlement. Do you agree
    with this?

    I think Russia saw the conflict in Georgia as a necessary evil. But
    I don't think they will rush to repeat it. I think they realize that
    it costs them a lot. Diplomatically, economically, all sorts of things.

    It really destabilization of that was very bad for the Russian economy,
    people started be nervous again about Russians particularly about
    investments. So I think Russia would now wants to be seen very much
    as a shaper of events rather than a reactor to events. It is in their
    political interest now to work very hard to find the solution.

    And I certainly hope so.

    By the way, Turkey is very active as well in the Caucasus security

    I think it would be very good think for Turkey. Turkey itself is
    going through difficulties. And they are very much interested in being
    seen as a player. I think they want to as helpful as it possible. I
    actually think mistakenly they thought unlocking things with Armenia
    would help the issue of Karabakh. I don't have that in myself. But
    I think they generally thought that this would be a helpful move.

    Do you thing that Turkey and Russia can cooperate trying together to
    bring peace and stability in our region?

    I think that Russia and Turkey working together would make a
    powerful combination to try to solve these issues out. They both have
    significant roles to play both in the Black sea and in the Caucasus.

    So I really do feel that. It Russia and Turkey could spend more time
    together and act as a joint force for good in the region. It would
    be good for Azerbaijan and for the region generally.