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BAKU: A Group Of Congressmen Sends Letter To Barack Obama Reflecting

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  • BAKU: A Group Of Congressmen Sends Letter To Barack Obama Reflecting


    March 30 2010

    Baku - APA. Ten members of the Caucus on Azerbaijan in the U.S.

    Congress sent a letter to President Barack Obama reflecting the
    importance of Azerbaijan-US relations.

    Foreign Ministry's press service told APA that it was due to the
    activity of the Azerbaijani embassy in the US.

    The letter said: "We are contacting you to express our views regarding
    the Republic of Azerbaijan. As you know, Azerbaijan is an important
    strategic partner of the United States. Located in a geopolitically
    dynamic region between Europe and Asia and sandwiched between Russia
    and Iran, Azerbaijan is a secular county with a predominantly Muslim
    population that has also been home for more than a millennia for
    vibrant Christian and Jewish communities. Azerbaijan has opened Caspian
    energy resources to development by U.S companies and has emerged
    as a key player for global energy security. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline project, supported by both the Clinton and George W. Bush
    Administrations, is the most successful project contributing to the
    development of the South Caucuses region and has become the main
    artery delivering Caspian Sea hydrocarbons to the US and our partners
    in Europe. Notably, in 2009 Azerbaijan provided nearly one quarter of
    all crude oil supplies to Israel and is considered a leading potential
    natural gas provider for the U.S supported Nabucco pipeline.

    On the security front, immediately after 9/11 Azerbaijan was among
    the first to offer strong support and assistance to the United States.

    Azerbaijan participated in operations in Kosovo and Iraq and
    is actively engaged in Afghanistan, having recently doubled its
    military presence there. Azerbaijan has extended important over-flight
    clearances for US and NATO flights to support ISAF and has regularly
    provided landing and refueling operations at its airports for US and
    NATO forces. Also, Azerbaijan plays an important role in the Northern
    Distribution Network, a supply route to Afghanistan by making available
    its ground and Caspian naval transportation facilities.

    Additionally, Azerbaijan provides specialized training for Afghan
    police, border guard officers and de-miners, education and training of
    Afghan civilian and military medical doctors, and medical treatment of
    Afghan citizens at Azeri hospitals. Azerbaijan has provided medical
    equipment and supplies to Afghanistan as well as assisting in the
    construction of schools and hospitals there. Azerbaijan remains a
    reliable partner of NATO and the EU in the South Caucuses through its
    consistent and effective contribution to common goals and objectives.

    Azerbaijan is also an active partner of the United States in efforts
    regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through
    its participation in programs such as Caspian Guard and Cooperative
    Threat Reduction. Against this backdrop, Section 907 of the Freedom
    Support Act of 1992, which prohibits direct U.S government assistance
    to Azerbaijan, remains a serious obstacle to expanding the strategic
    partnership between our two counties and is contrary to U.S. national
    interest in the region. Furthermore, the absence of a U.S. Ambassador
    to Baku since July 2009 creates unnecessary uncertainties. Finally,
    as one of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group charged with resolving
    the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the United States
    must engage more actively in mediation efforts, as is the case with
    Moscow and Paris.

    Thank you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to
    continuing to work with you as we engage with Azerbaijan on these
    and other important issues".

    The letter was sent by the Congressmen Bill Shuster, Michael Conaway,
    Dan Burton, Howard Coble, Denny Rehberg, Solomon Ortiz, Michael
    McMahon, John Boozman, Sue Myrick and Tim Ryan.