18:03 30/03/2010
In the world
Draft resolution on the Armenia Genocide was discussed at UK House
of Lords yesterday, March 29, according to Radio Liberty.
The discussion was initiated by Baroness Caroline Cox, who appealed
"to recognize the mass massacres committed against Armenians in
Ottoman Turkey as Genocide."
During the hour-long discussion, Cox, presenting different facts,
stated that "it is high time to join the civilized nations which
recognized the Armenian Genocide, especially given the fact that this
year marks the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide committed
in 1915." Some House of Lords representatives delivered speeches in
support to the recognition of the Genocide.
Baroness Glenys Kinnock was against the initiative: she, as Radio
Liberty reports, suggested evading the usage of the word 'genocide'
in order not to hinder the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
Baroness Cox, the Chairperson of the British-Armenian All-Party
Parliamentary Group in the House of Lords, has vowed to continue
raising the Armenian issue in the upcoming months and to intensify
discussions on it.
18:03 30/03/2010
In the world
Draft resolution on the Armenia Genocide was discussed at UK House
of Lords yesterday, March 29, according to Radio Liberty.
The discussion was initiated by Baroness Caroline Cox, who appealed
"to recognize the mass massacres committed against Armenians in
Ottoman Turkey as Genocide."
During the hour-long discussion, Cox, presenting different facts,
stated that "it is high time to join the civilized nations which
recognized the Armenian Genocide, especially given the fact that this
year marks the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide committed
in 1915." Some House of Lords representatives delivered speeches in
support to the recognition of the Genocide.
Baroness Glenys Kinnock was against the initiative: she, as Radio
Liberty reports, suggested evading the usage of the word 'genocide'
in order not to hinder the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
Baroness Cox, the Chairperson of the British-Armenian All-Party
Parliamentary Group in the House of Lords, has vowed to continue
raising the Armenian issue in the upcoming months and to intensify
discussions on it.