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BAKU: Turk MP: Pro-Armenian articles not to affect Turk-Azerbaijani

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  • BAKU: Turk MP: Pro-Armenian articles not to affect Turk-Azerbaijani

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    May 1 2010

    Turkish MP: Pro-Armenian forces' articles not to affect
    Turkish-Azerbaijani relations

    01.05.2010 15:23
    Azerbaijan, Baku, May 1 / Trend R. Hafizoglu /

    Pro-Armenian authors' articles in the Turkish press will not affect
    the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations, MP from the Nationalist Movement
    Party (MHP) of the Turkish Grand National Parliament Shenol Bal said.

    "Regardless of the authors and what forces they represent, Mehmet Ali
    Birand's or other authors' articles will not cast a shadow on
    Turkey-Azerbaijan relations," Bal told Trend over phone from Ankara.

    Strengthening of the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations, strong rebuff of
    the two countries towards pressure from certain centers of power, the
    basic position of the fraternal countries cause serious concern of
    Turkey's and Azerbaijani opponents.

    Turkish journalist Birand conducts anti-Azerbaijani propaganda for a
    long period. Azerbaijani press responded by sound arguments on the
    author's claim of an article published April 15 in the newspaper
    "Hurriyyet". The following article dated April 28 shows that Birand
    was instructed to conduct "revision" of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations,
    make a possible blow on fraternal relations.

    Bal said that such authors' articles in Turkey will have no impact on
    the citizens' love to Azerbaijan.

    "Unfortunately, there are pro-Armenian forces in Turkey. It is
    difficult to call the reason for their sympathy for the Armenians.
    However, I must note that these forces have never used respect of the
    Turkish people", Bal said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress