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The Probable Scenarios In The Context of The Regional Security

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  • The Probable Scenarios In The Context of The Regional Security


    "Noravank" Foundation
    30 April 2010

    Gagik Ter-Harutyunyan

    The developments round Armenian-Turkish relations went beyond the
    scope of the regional format and moved to global politics. There are
    grounds to believe that regardless of the results at the current stage
    of the diplomatic processes the relations between Yerevan and Ankara
    will stay at the agenda of our foreign policy for quite a long time,
    because it is of strategic importance and in its significance it does
    not cede to the problems with Azerbaijan on the NKR. It should also be
    stated that till now the RA policy was systematized and it excelled in
    diplomatic proficiency the Turkish party, which made serious mistakes
    during the process of negotiations. Thus, the fears of some observers
    that Turkey which has `imperial' experience would `outsmart' the RA
    officials, proved to be fully wrong. As a result of the developments
    connected with Turkey the positive political atmosphere has been
    formed around Armenia and, in addition, the `Armenian Question' has
    again been actualized and became a subject to discuss for the
    governments and parliaments of different countries.

    No less important is the fact that the Armenian-Turkish processes
    enriched Armenian political thinking and became a stimulus which
    boosted the searching of the new resources and possibilities in the
    sphere of the foreign policy of the RA. In this context the global and
    regional changes going on as a result of the multi-polar system
    formation are worth of attention. Particularly, the developments going
    on within the European Union imply the same logic, and those
    developments in our opinion contain new opportunities for the foreign
    policy of the RA.

    `Post-American' region. It is difficult to present in a brief report
    the complex of the military and political processes going on a global
    plane, because they contain many shades of meaning, components of
    civilizational, economical and other character. At the same time, let
    us try to consider schematically the main tendencies which are caused
    by rather morbid formation of the multi-polar world. The changes are
    happening gradually and due to this, unlike the revolutionary collapse
    of the bipolar system, they are not always noticeable in short-term
    periods. At the same time the system changes, despite their intensity,
    are always fraught with unpredictable consequences. It is not a mere
    chance that some political scientists compare the current realities
    with the situation before World War II.

    Under such conditions, passing by the issue of the overstrengthening
    of China and all the scenarios connected with that (they need special
    scrutiny), from the point of view of the elaboration of the
    prospective policy the most topical for Armenia is the relative
    weakening of the influence of the United States in the region. The
    manifestation of this are, particularly, the difficulties with Turkey
    this power had while carrying out the mediatory mission in the
    Armenian-Turkish relations. It is characteristic that like at the
    beginning of the last century, today the representatives of the US
    establishment are more often turning to the necessity to conduct the
    policy of `isolation' by the US. Particularly, the Congressman Ron
    Paul who is taking leading positions in the Republican party today and
    is one of the possible candidates at the presidential elections in
    2012 not only plumped the full withdrawal of the US troops from Iraq,
    but also called to leave the UN and NATO, to dismiss the Federal
    Reserve system and to restrict the interference of the US in the
    affairs of other countries.

    Meanwhile, according to some analysts, the retreat of the Americans
    may cause the explosive situation in the Near and Middle East, South
    Asia (the so-called Eurasian Balkans). Let us mention that this region
    today is also in a rather unstable condition, particularly because of
    the processes going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, which has been mainly
    provoked by that very US. But the US presence, though curiously
    enough, proves the `stability of that instability', the stationarity.
    That means that the current chaos is more or less controllable, and
    such a situation will hardly be preserved after the departure of the
    Americans. It is a common belief that the retreat of the Anglo-Saxons
    is more dangerous than their offence.

    It is obvious that the creation of such uncontrollable region which
    countries either possess or tend to possess the nuclear weapon (Turkey
    among them) is a new challenge for Armenia and new resources and
    political partners are needed to resist them. In this aspect new
    developments taking place in Europe are of a certain interest.

    The formation of `German' Europe. It is known that the plans to create
    `United Europe' have rather long and rich history and the conceptual
    approaches to the today's EU were elaborated before the end of World
    War II mainly by the joint Anglo-American efforts (it was mostly
    contributed by the prime-minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill).
    After that first practical steps were made in that direction, i.e. the
    signing of the agreement by France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
    Belgium and Luxemburg in Maastricht in 1951.

    The EU was created as a structure which is based on interconnectivity
    which should prevent the separate countries and first of all Germany
    to act independently and restore as a mighty power. That mechanism was
    rather effective in bipolar and one-polar systems. Consequently, the
    EU, which is the biggest economics in the world, plays no serious
    geopolitical role on global plane. But in multi-polar world and amid
    the financial crisis when their own national interests became more
    important the processes of division were initiated. This manifests
    itself both in the weakening of the ties between the US and Europe and
    the up growth of the contention and in the growth of the gap in
    economic and other spheres between the countries of the EU.

    Germany appeared to be the most prepared to the new situation. It is
    suffice to mention that for recent 10 years the contention of the
    German goods and services, as compared to other countries of the EU,
    has grown on 25%. As a result, Germany today is not only the most
    mighty economics in the EU but also the country which dictates (less
    relying on France) the rules of the EU activity. It is remarkable that
    the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel is often called in
    international media `Frau Europe'.

    The military and political claims of that country have also grown.
    Today the representatives of the German elite sound the ideas about
    the reforming NATO (meaning the growth of the role of Europe),
    possessing nuclear weapon, withdrawal of the American bases from
    Europe and etc. This comes to prove that in the near future the
    `Germanized' EU or, according to some scenarios Germany and its allies
    acting out the EU format, will tend to take the descent place on
    global geopolitical plane.

    Russia, Germany and `Great Europe'. In the context of the
    aforementioned trends the newly edited `Great Europe' creation
    programme which was offered by German military circles is remarkable.
    It implies the involvement of Russia in NATO and thus, the
    `Eurasification' of that structure. Such a scenario can especially get
    topical in case if the self-isolation tendency of the United States
    (let us remember the statement by Congressman Ron Paul about the
    withdrawal of the US from NATO) shift from the theoretical reflections
    into a practical plane. It is obvious that such a development firstly
    implies the preparedness of Russia, particularly if we take into
    consideration the problems of the later with NATO and its expansion to
    the East. But today the tendencies, which can make `Great Europe'
    project real, are observed in the policy of Russia and this is
    conditioned not only by the traditional considerations regarding
    Moscow-Berlin geopolitical axis.

    At current moment Germany is the main economic partner of the RF; they
    implement big geo-economic energy programmes. There are some
    agreements in the political sphere as well (particularly in the issue
    of Georgia's NATO membership). It is also important that in recent
    years Russia has preferred indirect actions, i.e. it conducts more
    subtle policy. E.g. the opponent of the `officially' pro-Russian
    Yanukovich on the presidential elections in Ukraine Timoshenko had not
    had anti-Russian orientation, i.e. unlike the past experience the
    favourable political field was formed before ahead1. The appraisal of
    the elections by the Europeans has also been well-wishing. They, amid
    the relative weakening of the US possibilities, are more adequate in
    their appraisal of Russia's influence on their `rightful' territories
    and they aspire not to `tear' Ukraine off but to turn it into the
    ground of cooperation between the EU and RF. A great number of
    analytical materials devoted to that subject which have appeared on
    the information field indirectly speak to the strengthening of the
    ties between Russia and Germany2. There are also some European
    integration tendencies observed in the Moscow-Warsaw relations.

    There are many such examples and one can state without going into the
    details that the idea of the creation of the `Great Europe' being
    adequate both to the logic of political commonalities and to the
    realities of the multi-polar world seems to be acceptable to the
    parties. Under such conditions the US and Great Britain, in contrast
    to their distinctly negative stance to the relations between Russia
    and Germany, now should not be opposed basically to `Great Europe'
    programme, because such a union, according to some geopolitical
    scenarios, may become a natural obstacle in case of the
    Eastern-Chinese expansion.

    The probable influences of the project on the region. Being located in
    the neighbourhood of `Eurasian Balkans' where the tendencies to the
    loss of the control are observed, one of the main guarantees of the
    security of Armenia still remains the military cooperation with the RF
    and the military base of the later. In this aspect the possible
    participation of the RF in `Great Europe' project will undoubtedly
    enlarge the possibilities of our ally. In such condition the German
    presence can be useful.

    Germany, acquiring some influence in Eurasian military and political
    field, can use our region as a platform for the implementation of its
    geopolitical claims (this kind of aspiration is shown by the Germans,
    e.g. in Afghanistan) and in this case those claims should not
    contradict to our national interests. The following factors speak to

    Germany does not have oil interests, which play the key role in the
    policy of other Western powers and which are manifested in the partial
    attitude towards Azerbaijan, in our region.
    The official Berlin has serious problems with Turkey and here the fact
    that there are about 3 million Turks living in Germany, 1.7 million of
    whom are the citizens of Turkey and a considerable part of them on
    principle and some by the directions of Ankara do not want to
    integrate into the German society, plays role. That factor caused the
    problems of civilizational and demographic character in German
    society, which is partially reflected in the foreign policy
    1Õ?Õ¸Ö?&#xD 5;½Õ¡Õ½Õ¿&#xD5 ; ¡Õ¶ÕµÕ¡&#xD5 ;&# xB6; Õ¶Õ¸Ö Õ¼Õ¡Õ¦Õ&#xB4 ;&# xD5;¡Õ¾Õ¡ÖÕ&#xB 8;Ö?Õ©ÕµÕ¡&#xD 5 ;¶ Õ¡Õ¼Õ¸Ö?&#xD 5;& #xB4;Õ¸Õ¾ Õ¢Õ¶Õ¸Ö?&#xD 5;& #xA9;Õ¡Õ£ÖÕ¡&#x D5;¯Õ¡Õ¶ Õ§ Õ?ÖÕ²Õ¦Õ&#xB D;& #xD5;¿Õ¡Õ¶Õ¸&#x D6;?Õ´
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    2See, for example, «ÐоÑ?Ñ?Ð&#x B8; йÑ?ко-Ð ³ÐµÑмÐ&#xB0 ;&# xD0;½Ñ?киÐ&#x B5; оÑ?но&#xD 1;? ениÑ? в конÑ?&#xD 0;& #xB5;кÑ?Ñ?е
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