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Armenia should become co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group

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  • Armenia should become co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group

    Armenia should become co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group

    30 April, 2010, 12:18 am

    By Hrant Meliq- Shahnazaryan

    Azerbaijan's ruling party these days took the initiative to include
    Turkey among the countries co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group. The leaders
    of the party think that it is time for changes in the institute
    co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group. Before the statement of the ruling Yeni
    Azerbaijan party the head of the political department of the
    presidential administration of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov said that his
    Government was dissatisfied with the policy of the United States as
    co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group. `The United States often take a
    unilateral position in favor of Armenia', - mentioned Hasanov.

    However, it seems that official Baku is not complaining so much about
    the position of the United States, but alternating each other good
    luck foreign policy. Last exclusively diplomatic ways, drove into a
    dead end not only Azerbaijan, but also Turkey, which claimed a
    dominant role in the political life of the South Caucasus. And now, to
    restore the «balance of power» in regional politics, Aeries have to
    destroy the institutions of political dialog between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, as well as other powers, which have political and economic
    interests in our region.

    It is an obvious fact that the OSCE has never been an effective tool
    for solving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It is clear that the main
    task of the OSCE Minsk Group has been and remains obstructing the
    resumption of armed conflict between Azerbaijan and the Republic of
    Artsakh. In fact, this institution has always been an instrument of a
    kind of pressure on the authorities of Armenia and Azerbaijan in order
    to achieve certain political and economic benefits. In addition, the
    OSCE Minsk Group is also the site where the world's major powers to
    discuss the important problem not only the South Caucasus, but also
    the whole of the Caspian-Black Sea region. Therefore, Ankara seeks to
    «get involved» in the Institute co-chairs, knowing full well that only
    in this case it would be able to get a more important role in
    political developments in the region.

    Immediately after the 2008 war, 20 August, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan claimed about the initiative of creating a `Caucasus Stability
    and Cooperation Platform.' Erdogan said at the time that the first and
    foremost platform must have a geographical basis ... `which has an aim
    to establish peace and security in the region, economic cooperation
    and energy security. This platform must be based on the principles of
    the OSCE'.

    Note that in 2008 the Prime Minister of Turkey had a very vague idea
    of the political presence of various countries in the region. Thus, in
    the `Platform of Cooperation' was not forthcoming participation not
    only of the United States, but Iran, which is also an active player in
    the politics of the entire South Caucasus. However, it is clear that
    introducing a new regional project, Turkey has pursued a very
    different purpose. Russia's military victory over Georgia forced the
    Turks to believe that from a regional security system will be
    subordinated to political interests of Russia. Ankara decided not to
    miss `an opportunity' and to offer Russia its `services' to ensure
    peace and stability in the Caucasus. However, as further demonstrated
    during the Russian side was able to provide a military success. From a
    political point of view of the security system of the South Caucasus
    has not undergone any significant changes, and the only hope for
    Turkey to act in the region as an independent power center was empty.

    Today, the Turkish-Azeri diplomacy is in search of new ways to
    strengthen Turkey's role in regional politics. As the most efficient
    structure, capable of their `shoulders' to bring Turkey into the South
    Caucasus has been elected OSCE Minsk Group. To achieve its objectives
    - `the introduction of' Turkey in the number of co-chairs - Baku and
    Ankara are using all possible methods for them: from the political
    agreements to blackmail. Calculation of the Turkic republics is quite
    simple. For a long time, the power of Azerbaijan is constantly
    threatened by the resumption of hostilities against the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. At the same time claimed that official Baku
    is not satisfied with the actions of the OSCE Minsk Group, and noted
    `the failure' of the format of negotiations. In Azerbaijan, hopes
    escalate the situation to the extent that international mediators not
    agree to the terms of Baku, and do not include Turkey in the number of
    OSCE Minsk Group.

    However, in Baku and Ankara is also well aware that in the case of
    Turkey in the Minsk Group, the Armenian side will require that there
    be included is another - more loyal to the Armenian nation. That can
    be for example, Iran. That's why Azeris have decided to play a
    proactive and self-start discussion prospects of involving Iran in
    negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Azerbaijan has invited the Iranians to mediate in the conflict at the
    end of last year. This initiative was voiced by Azerbaijani Foreign
    Minister Elmar Mamedyarov, during his visit to Tehran. Then Foreign
    Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said his country is ready to assume the
    mission of a mediator for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.
    However, in those days, the initiative did not have any sequels. This
    question has been raised again (already initiated by the Iranian side)
    in late January in Yerevan during his visit Manouchehr Mottaki in
    Yerevan, without any consequences. On 19th April 2010, Iranian Foreign
    Minister said that the Baku gave a positive response to Iran's offer
    of mediation in the Karabakh settlement.

    Therefore the Azerbaijani leadership blackmailed Washington on the eve
    of the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire and
    traditional treatment of the U.S. President to the Armenian people.
    However, it is clear that Azerbaijan did not mind really help change
    the composition of the OSCE Minsk Group. Judging by the publications
    of the press, official Baku has already raised this issue before the
    current co-chairs of the Minsk Group. According to the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs, Russian diplomats are exploring this initiative.

    It should be nmentioned that Azerbaijan's initiative to integrate
    Turkey in the OSCE Minsk Group in Yerevan met with little interest.
    Politicians and experts from Armenia, only stated that it was
    impossible, considering the subject thus closed. In the meantime, the
    question of the current format of the OSCE Minsk Group is on the
    agenda of regional policy for quite a long time. Of course, all are
    perfectly aware, that this institution is only a deterrent to the
    resumption of hostilities between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic. Effective mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of the
    conflict MG simply can not offer. Thus, not because the co-chairs do
    not have enough political will, but such a mechanism does not exist.
    At present, the conflicting parties and international mediators have
    only a choice between maintaining the status quo and complete defeat
    of one of the warring parties in the new Azeri-Armenian war. If a
    choice of pasta for the first option, the current OSCE Minsk Group
    format best suits the situation. If the actors of regional politicians
    decide to move it from place, the ombudsman should indeed be subjected
    to certain changes.

    However, this will need to put the record straight on «i», and finally
    decide who is a party to the conflict, who is an ally of the
    conflicting parties and who is the facilitator. The fact is that since
    the late nineties of the last century in the negotiation process on
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not brought to the most important aspect
    of the conflict - the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Instead, the official
    Stepanakert talks with the Azerbaijani side is Armenia, which only
    helped fellow in Artsakh resist military aggression by Azerbaijan.
    Similarly, in negotiations with the Armenian side for Azerbaijan could
    serve Turkey, which is given to Azerbaijan by military, technical and
    human assistance in the aggression against Armenians. Thus, for the
    greater efficiency of the negotiation process should be included in
    Stepanakert, the negotiation process and, simultaneously, to recognize
    Armenia and Turkey by the sides to armed conflict.

    But the problem is that Ankara is clearly unwilling to recognize their
    participation in military aggression against the peaceful population
    of the NKR, and strives to become a mediator in the settlement of the
    Azerbaijani-Karabakh war. The only choice is Armenia. Yerevan, of
    course, may indicate Ankara in its place in this conflict, or may
    agree to mediation of Turkey. In this case, however, be correct and
    logical to Armenia also became one of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group
    of OSCE. In fact: the parties, as stipulated in all UN Security
    Council resolutions, are the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan.
    And only systematically conducted Baku artificial extrusion of Nagorno
    Karabakh from Armenia to the negotiating process put forward in the
    main negotiator with Azerbaijan. It is high time to Stepanakert won at
    the negotiating table rightful place.

    The proposed solution to the situation will lead to the negotiations
    on settlement of the conflict will be exactly between the parties to
    the conflict, which will maintain their natural allies and the
    international community.
