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Orange subscribers may attend Eurovision 2010 in Oslo

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  • Orange subscribers may attend Eurovision 2010 in Oslo

    Orange subscribers may attend Eurovision 2010 in Oslo

    14:13 01/05/2010 » Society

    Today Orange launched the special project `Hello Oslo', dedicated to
    Eurovision, one of the most important music events in Armenia. As the
    official partner of Eurovision 2010, this year Orange gives the
    exclusive opportunity to its subscribers to take part in a special
    SMS-quiz and travel to Oslo, to send their wishes and words of
    encouregement to the Armenian representative in Eurovision 2010 and
    personnally meet her, as well as participate in a special event the
    day of broadcast of Eurovision final contest, Orange Armenia press
    office informs.

    The SMS-quiz consists of two phases. The first phase will end on May
    13th and will determine 4 winners who will travel to Oslo and attend
    the semi-final and final of Eurovision 2010.

    For those who didn't win during the first phase, the game will
    continue until May 25th. The best 125 participants of this phase will
    receive many different prizes.

    Within `Hello Oslo' project Orange has also initiated another
    SMS-campaign which will provide the possibility to Orange subscribers
    to send their best wishes and words of encouragement to the
    representative of Armenia in this Song Contest. The authors of the
    best wishes, chosen by the representative of Armenia in Eurovision
    2010 Eva Rivas, will personally meet with her and get presents from

    Orange will support the broadcast of Eurovision 2010 by the Public TV
    of Armenia. It will support not only the broadcast of final event,
    semi-finals and TV diaries of Eurovision 2010, but will also provide
    unexpected presents and surprises to all its subscribers and to
    Eurovision funs.

    To learn more about Eurovision SMS-contest, please visit

    From: Baghdasarian