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Coup in Kyrgyzstan, Drugs from Afghanistan, and the US

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  • Coup in Kyrgyzstan, Drugs from Afghanistan, and the US

    Coup in Kyrgyzstan, Drugs from Afghanistan, and the US

    en.fondsk.ruÐ?rbis Terrarum
    Anatoly ALIFEROV

    While the Kyrgyz interim government was searching for the bank
    accounts of ousted President K. Bakiev, and Belorussian President A.
    Lukashenko invited him to settle down in Belarus, Moscow bloggers
    published a sensational finding: they unearthed evidence that the coup
    in Kyrgyzstan was backed by the US and that the whole intrigue
    revolves around the transit of drugs from Afghanistan.

    On April 18, Oriental Review, an English-language blog based in
    Russia, published a text titled «Kyrgyzstan Destined To Become Another
    Narco-State?». It points to the facts that drug crops in Afghanistan
    surged since the dispatch of the US and NATO forces to the country and
    that the neighboring Kyrgyzstan became the key transit hub on the
    route - known as the Great Heroine Way - via which drugs from
    Afghanistan are delivered to Europe and Asia.

    The author of the text wrote: `Most likely the illicit profits
    proceeding from narco-trafficking were the main sources of spectacular
    enrichment of Bakiev's clan during his presidency in 2005-2010. There
    were numerous evidences that the very arrival of Kurmanbek Bakiev to
    power in March 2005 as a result of `Tulip revolution' was financed and
    supported by prosperous international narco-mafia'. The blogger
    maintains that in 2010, just as in 2005, `the geostrategic interests
    of the US and the international narco-mafia happily merged again... It
    was only logical for the US establishment to use the services of
    narco-barons to overthrow Bakiev, who demanded from the US more and
    more pay-offs for his loyalty¦'. A similar view was expressed by
    writer and commentator Alexander Prokhanov in the April 16 broadcast
    of the Ekho Moskvy radio station: `The revolution in Kyrgyzstan was...
    a revolution organized by the drug business. It replaced Akaev's
    regime with Bakiev's one, and now Bakiev's regime ` with the regime of
    the notorious Roza. Kyrgyzstan remains the key route of
    drug-trafficking to Russia'.

    Drug barons are extremely influential in Kyrgyzstan. There are
    estimates suggesting that the areas used to cultivate poppy in the
    republic are comparable in size to those in Afghanistan. This is just
    one of the pertinent circumstances. Another is that Kyrgyzstan hosts
    the Gansi Air Base operated by the US Air Force at the Manas airport
    in Bishkek. The Base is an important transit point for the supply of
    US forces in Afghanistan. The third pertinent circumstance is that
    Kyrgyz human rights watch groups have stated a number of times that
    the base also serves as a transit hub in a global drug trafficking
    network. When one of such statements was made in September, 2009,
    China's People's Daily cautiously expressed agreement with the view
    held by Kyrgyz human rights activists ` it quoted experts as saying
    that the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan could be used by the foreign
    military to transit drugs from Afghanistan.

    The Oriental Review blogger substantiated his claim concerning the
    common interests of the US and the international drug mafia in the
    case of the coup in Kyrgyzstan by pointing to the fact that remained
    unnoticed so far but can actually be regarded as material evidence. On
    April 7, Great Britain's The Daily Telegraph featured a set pictures
    taken at the time of the recent bloody riots in Bishkek. One of them
    shows an insurgent firing a Kalashnikov assault rifle near a
    government building. A striking detail that can be discerned in the
    picture is `the HWS (holographic weapon sight) attached to the AK gun
    in the hands of an opposition fighter' which is `the product of the US
    L-3 Communications EOTech Corporation, 500 series, retail price 600
    USD each one (four average monthly salaries in Kyrgyzstan)'.

    A Kyrgyz opposition supporter fires an automatic weapon near the main
    government building during a protest against the government in
    Bishkek. Picture: AFP/GETTY
    Based at the University of Michigan, EOTech has been a supplier of
    holographic weapon sights since 1996. According to the US
    International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), exporting the weapon
    requires licenses from the US Department of State and from the US
    Department of Commerce. Upon being tested by the army, a number of
    such sights were supplied to the forces in Afghanistan and a few more
    ` to the US police. The device has never officially exported to
    Kyrgyzstan or Russia. Therefore, a machine gun with the US-made sight
    could not be seized by an insurgent from the Kyrgyz special forces
    during the riots. Thus, The Daily Telegraph picture provides evidence
    that the coup in Kyrgyzstan was materially supported using a US
    military base sited in Afghanistan or in Kyrgyzstan. Naturally, this
    had to be a violation of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
    and of the US arms export regulations. Well, obviously the game was
    worth it. Afghanistan's poppy output rose by a factor of 40 (!) - from
    185 to 8,200 tons a year - over the first six years of the US
    occupation. It is a safe bet that major developments are brewing at
    the Afghan-Kyrgyz direction.