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Al Pacino's portrayal of Jack Kevorkian

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  • Al Pacino's portrayal of Jack Kevorkian

    In Entertainment, UK
    April 19 2010

    Al Pacino's portrayal of Jack Kevorkian
    Filed Under: Movies | By: Tina Chubb

    Veteran actor Al Pacino ` best known for his roles in movies such as
    `The Godfather,' `Scarface,' `Carlito's Way' and `Scent of a Woman' `
    has been receiving rave reviews recently, for his portrayal of Dr.
    Jack Kevorkian aka `Dr Death.'
    81-year old Dr. Kevorkian, who claims he has assisted 130 of his
    patients to die, is now the subject of a television movie called `You
    Don't Know Jack.' And Al Pacinso, who will be celebrating his 70th
    birthday soon, is playing the lead role.

    The movie, which is also said to star Susan Sarandon, will be screened
    on 24th April in the United States. Dr. Kevorkian ` a right-to-die
    activist ` was convicted of second degree homicide in 1999, and jailed
    in Michigan. He was then released in 2007.

    Pacino said that he had not actually met Kevorkian, but says that he
    did speak to him and studied television footage of him in preparation
    of playing the part. The actor said that he sees Dr. Jack Kevorkian as
    a doctor who cares for his patients. 19/al-pacinos-portrayal-of-jack-kevorkian/